Child Trafficking Survivor Pens Letter to Congressman DeSaulnier Asking Him to Stand Up To CPS

Last Updated on October 18, 2022

A survivor of the alleged Child Protective Services (CPS) child trafficking in Contra Costa County, California writes about his experiences in a heartfelt letter to Democrat California Congressman Mark DeSaulnier, who represents the majority of Contra Costa County in the state’s Eleventh District. All over the nation, survivors of alleged trafficking at the hands of CPS are pressuring lawmakers to finally speak out against CPS kidnapping, which fuels the human trafficking epidemic by giving traffickers a constant supply of foster children to choose from.

“My name is Taylor Packwood. I am a teenage survivor of CPS child trafficking. After I was seized from my loving family I spent time in foster care in Contra Costa County where I witnessed child prostitution in my group home and I lived in constant fear that I would be abused next. CPS child trafficking is a blight on American society, and I am hoping you can weigh in publicly to condemn CPS,” the trafficking survivor writes.

“Children in Foster Care are 42 percent more likely to die than children left with their parents. If children are being illegally taken and social workers are perjuring lies to hold on to these children for profit motives, this is corrupt and must end. Consider this recent Supreme Court case: (EPA West Virginia) regarding Agencies making and enforcing their own invalid ruled steeped in their for profit “interests,’” the letter states.

“The scourge of child trafficking must be stopped in America. Government-sponsored kidnapping has no place in a decent society. I urge you to make a statement and take action on this matter, because survivors nationwide are coming together to make our voices heard. Choose to be on the right side of history. You will hear more from us,” Taylor Packwood writes.

The CPS scandal is spreading like wildfire around the United States of America as more victims come forward.

I recently executive-produced Save the Babies: A Documentary on CPS Child Trafficking (WATCH IT HERE) to expose how CPS snatches kids from homes and hospitals and funnels them into the underground world of child sex slavery. States collect Title IV Social Security money for every child adopted out of foster care, thus creating financial incentives for social workers to grab kids from their families and place them into foster care with no hope for family re-unification.

The film spotlighted Contra Costa County, California, where children have died in the CPS system a short distance away from Bohemian Grove, where globalist elites reportedly practice Moloch worship. Meanwhile, Harvard-trained medical doctor Susan Spell’s case against the county of Los Angeles, in which she accuses the county of racial discrimination against her children, is docketed at the U.S. Supreme Court and could end up changing precedent. A Fox affiliate broadcast a video, which was taken by a teenage foster girl, showing a CPS worker trying to coerce the young girl into a life of prostitution: