Video: Fox News Wants Free Speech Parler to Censor Kanye Over ‘Antisemitism’

Last Updated on October 19, 2022

Fox News host Stuart Varney pressed Parler CEO George Farmer to censor Kanye West, who now legally goes by the name of Ye, over accusations of “antisemitism.” This week, Ye announced his plans to buy Parler, the fledgling social media platform built around free speech.

Parler CEO George Farmer joined Fox Business host Stuart Varney this week on his Varney & Company program to talk about Ye’s plans to purchase the social media platform, which centers around free speech. The move comes after Ye was barred from Twitter and even de-banked for questioning what he sees as the Jewish dominance of entertainment, technology, and banking.

That dominance, Ye says, is coming at the expense of the American people, particularly black people.

During his interview with Parler CEO George Farmer, who is married to Candice Owens, Varney asked if Parler’s free speech principles would be violated to silence posts like the ones that got Ye booted from Twitter.

“Are you going to go for total free speech?” Varney asked. “And if so, does that include allowing anti-Semitic posts like the one that got Ye locked out of Twitter?”

After Farmer doubled down on Parler’s free speech business model, Varney again accused him of harboring antisemitism by way of allowing the free flow of ideas.

“We all want free speech, but do we all want anti-Semitism writ large on Parler?” pressed Varney, who remained unable to force Farmer into committing to censor Parler users.

Farmer also revealed that, once Ye’s purchase of Parler goes through, Ye will be the platform’s “controller,” deciding what is and isn’t allowed on the site.

Watch Varney’s Pro-Censorship Interview With George Farmer HERE

The occasion didn’t mark the first time that Stuart Varney and Fox News have searched for a reason to accuse someone of antisemitism, and tried to censor them as a result.

In 2018, Varney cut short an interview with U.S. Representative Louie Gohmert, after he dared to bring up left-wing oligarch George Soros and his Nazi collaboration in World War 2. Soros, who is Jewish, spent the war in his native Hungary helping the Nazis to round up his fellow Jewish people.

“In the last hour, one of our guests, Congressman Louie Gohmert, for some reason, went out of his way to bring up George Soros and made up unsubstantiated and false allegations against him,” Varney said at the time, as he issued an on-air apology for one of his guests speaking ill of George Soros.

“I want to make clear those views are not shared by me, this program, or anyone at Fox Business,” Varney declared.

At the core of Gohmert’s comments was the accusation that Soros was a Nazi collaborator. While Varney and Fox News call this claim “unsubstantiated and false,” Soros himself has described his World War 2 experience in great detail. Working with the Nazis, Soros says, was “a very happy-making” experience.

“It was actually probably the happiest year of my life, that year of German occupation,” Soros told an interviewer years ago.

“For me, it was a very positive experience,” Soros went on. “It’s a strange thing because you see incredible suffering around you.”

“It’s a very happy-making, exhilarating experience.”

Listen to George Soros and His Fond Memories of His Nazi Collaboration Below: