EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART IX: Weissmann Covered Up Russian, Clinton and Obama Actions Related to the Sale of Uranium One to Russia

Andrew Weissmann has been intimately involved in some of the biggest corruption scandals in US history. Weissmann was involved in FBI activities with the mob in New York in the 1990s.  He was a key member of the Enron Task Force and then the Mueller Special Counsel.  He also was involved in the sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia.

Attorney Sidney Powell shared the following about Andrew Weissmann:

The hallmark of the Department of Justice for decades has been to seek justice not convictions and if that meant letting a guilty person go free to make sure the government did it all right, then that was supposed to happen.

But Mr. Weissman, he couldn’t spell the word “ethics” despite the fact somebody actually had him teach a course in it one time, I think over in England.  His mantra is ‘the end justifies the means’… he targets people, individuals. And you’re right, I had no doubt from the moment he was picked for the Mueller Special Counsel operation, that he would have filed RICO charges against President Trump and seized every asset he ever had, if there had been any way he could do that.

He’s just filled with hatred for apparently most Americans and certainly anybody affiliated with President Trump.  And he’s willing to do anything to destroy them. 

Attorney David Schoen shared on Weissmann:

I have said, from my personal experience at least with this case, I consider Andrew Weissmann to be the most ethically bankrupt prosecutor I have ever encountered, and that’s a pretty broad spectrum of prosecutors over the course of my career…

Today we share another indication of Weissmann’s lack of ethics which goes back to the Uranium One deal.

Andrew McCarthy wrote about Uranium One:

The Uranium One scandal is not only, or even principally, a Clinton scandal. It is an Obama-administration scandal.

The Clintons were just doing what the Clintons do: cashing in on their “public service.” The Obama administration, with Secretary Clinton at the forefront but hardly alone, was knowingly compromising American national-security interests. The administration green-lighted the transfer of control over one-fifth of American uranium-mining capacity to Russia, a hostile regime — and specifically to Russia’s state-controlled nuclear-energy conglomerate, Rosatom. Worse, at the time the administration approved the transfer, it knew that Rosatom’s American subsidiary was engaged in a lucrative racketeering enterprise that had already committed felony extortion, fraud, and money-laundering offenses.

The Obama administration also knew that congressional Republicans were trying to stop the transfer. Consequently, the Justice Department concealed what it knew. DOJ allowed the racketeering enterprise to continue compromising the American uranium industry rather than commencing a prosecution that would have scotched the transfer. Prosecutors waited four years before quietly pleading the case out for a song, in violation of Justice Department charging guidelines. Meanwhile, the administration stonewalled Congress, reportedly threatening an informant who wanted to go public…

…Uranium is foundational to nuclear power and thus to American national security. As the New York Times explained in a report on the disturbing interplay between the Clinton Foundation and the transfer of American uranium assets to Russia, the United States gets a fifth of its electrical power from nuclear energy, but only produces a fifth of the uranium it needs. Consequently, a foreign entity would not be able to acquire rights to American uranium without the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

CFIUS is composed of the leaders of 14 U.S. government agencies involved in national security and commerce…

McCarthy notes that in 2010 Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a single speech in Russia and the Clinton Foundation at about the same time made $145 million in donations from sources connected to the sale of Uranium One to Russia.

In 2014 Putin invaded Crimea and the Obama Administration had to respond.  Obama and Hillary’s ‘reset’ with Russia was over.  Also, at that point, a racketeering scheme the FBI and DOJ had been looking into for years involving Russians related to Uranium One had to be addressed.

The national security case involved a man named Mikerin who was arrested for racketeering and more related to an extortion racket against US energy companies by Russia.  An informant had kept the FBI informed of the case since at least 2010.

McCarthy writes:

…a lid needed to be kept on the case. It would have made for an epic Obama administration scandal, and a body blow to Hillary Clinton’s presidential hopes, if in the midst of Russia’s 2014 aggression, public attention had been drawn to the failure, four years earlier, to prosecute a national-security case in order to protect Russia’s takeover of U.S. nuclear assets.

Mikerin plead guilty to a severely reduced charge put in place by the Obama DOJ.  The Chief of the Fraud Section of the Criminal Division of the DOJ who signed off on the deal was Andrew Weissmann.  The US Attorney who also signed off on the agreement was Rod Rosenstein.

Both Weissmann and Rosenstein went on to lead the Trump-Russia collusion sham investigation after allowing Russians, the Clintons, and Obama to get away with crimes in the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia. 

Sean Hannity exposed Weissmann’s connections to Uranium One and how he went after President Trump in an effort to prevent any investigation into his illegal activities with Uranium One.

US Rep. Louie Gohmert from Texas discussed Weissmann’s activities in the sale of US uranium to Russia and his subsequent efforts to put in place the Trump – Russia collusion investigation to prevent any investigation into his, Hillary’s and Obama’s activities in Uranium One.

Andrew Weissmann is one of the most corrupt individuals to work in the DOJ.  He doesn’t seem to care who he hurts, it’s all about the end game. 

None of Weissmann’s corrupt and dishonest actions over the years prevented Weissmann from moving up the ranks in the DOJ, they helped him. 

Weissmann and Robert Mueller and others in the Enron Task force destroyed over 80,000 Arthur Andersen professionals’ careers in the early 2000s. 

Weissmann’s actions led to four Merrill Lynch professionals facing time in prison, one in solitary, all were later found innocent in the mid-2000s.

Weissmann then went on to lead the Mueller witchhunt in its attempted coup of the President of the United States.  The list of unethical and arguably criminal actions by Weissmann in the Mueller witchhunt is unending.

Weissmann’s corrupt actions are the standard for the DOJ today.

Weissmann is still trying to get President Trump. 


EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMAN PART I: The Many Corrupt Acts of Former DOJ Attorney and Mueller “Pitbull” Andrew Weissmann

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART II: 80,000 Innocent Professionals Lost Their Jobs Due to a Weissmann Indictment that Was Ultimately Overturned by Supreme Court

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART III: For 30 Years a Condemned Man Sits in Prison Because of Weissman’s Actions in the Most Corrupt Prosecution in DOJ History

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART IV: “I Consider Andrew Weissmann to be the Most Ethically Bankrupt Prosecutor I Have Ever Encountered” – Attorney David Schoen (VIDEO)

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART V: Weissmann Concealed the FBI’s Source Used in Indictments in the Early 1990’s Was Mafia Hitman Responsible for 50 Murders

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART VI: Exclusive Interview with Attorney Sidney Powell – “I’m Very Concerned About the State of the Country Right Now” – (VIDEO)

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART VII: Weissmann Used a Corrupt FBI Agent as a Witness Who Later Was Charged with Several Murders Related to Case

EXCLUSIVE – ANDREW WEISSMANN PART VIII: Weissmann and the Mueller Gang “Accidentally” Wiped 31 Phones Clean After DOJ IG Requested Phones

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