Illegal Immigrant Arrests At Weak Southern Border Reach All-Time High In September

Last Updated on October 24, 2022

The American illegal immigration crisis has continued to crush records under President Joe Biden’s administration’s leadership.

Illegal immigrant arrests reached an all-time high during the month of September reaching a number of 227, 547.

During September 2021, the number of arrests was 35,000 lower. The September data, released last Friday, revealed a 12% increase from August.

Nearly 2.4 million illegal immigrants have been arrested at the Southern border this fiscal year, which is also an all-time record high.

Illegal alien arrests have been 37% higher compared to 2021 and twice as high as the number recorded in 2019.

The alarming number of arrests “reflects an accelerating pace of apprehensions when they should be declining seasonally,” said Steven Kopits, the president of the Princeton Policy Advisors.

These illegal immigrants have posed a direct threat to the safety of law-abiding, taxpaying Americans and their families.

Last week, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced over the past two months, 175 illegal immigrants with multiple DUI convictions were arrested.

“More than 11,000 people in the U.S. died as a result of crashes involving a drunk driver in 2020. An enforcement operation focusing on individuals who have previously been convicted of DUI – some resulting in death or serious bodily harm – is vitally important to public safety,” ICE official Corey A. Price said.

While Biden has been doing nothing to secure the Southern Border, Republican governors have been unwilling to provide a practical, effective solution to truly end illegal immigration.

RELATED: Three Texas Counties Declare Border Emergency Over ‘Unprecedented’ Illegal Immigration Crisis

Republican governors in Arizona, Texas, and Florida have decided to ship unvetted, potentially dangerous illegal immigrants deeper into the country.

Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake called on Republican governors to actually ship illegal immigrants out of the country.

As National File reported last month: Lake questioned why Gov. Desantis is supportive of moving immigrants “further inland.” Lake, speaking with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, vowed to declare a “border invasion” on day one, should she be elected in November.

“My plan is the most bold, aggressive plan on the border. We’re going to secure the border. We’re going to call it what it is, issue a declaration of invasion on day one, get troops on the border in the form of our National Guard,” the Arizona America first candidate began.

“We’re going to stop people from coming over and we’re going to stop the cartels from having control of our border. I don’t like it as a mother and I know no Arizonan likes it that we are the pipeline for the most dangerous, deadly drug this country has ever seen – called fentanyl,” Lake added.


Stay tuned to National File for any updates.

READ MORE: Desantis Helps Illegal Immigrants Receive Social Security Numbers, Attend Public School