Mitch McConnell Says Dems Aren’t Doing Enough for Ukraine, Vows Even More Money After Midterms

Last Updated on October 25, 2022

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) says that Democrats aren’t doing enough for Ukraine and vows that a GOP majority will send them even more taxpayer-funded aid after the upcoming midterm elections. Fueling a proxy war between Russia and the liberal world order, D.C.’s pro-war, uni-party establishment has made Ukraine the biggest beneficiary of American military aid in history.

“The Biden Administration and Ukraine’s friends across the globe must be quicker and more proactive to get Ukraine the aid they need,” Senator McConnell said in a public statement vowing to send even more weapons and taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, should the GOP win a legislative majority in November’s midterms.

McConnell claimed that continuing to fuel the global proxy war over Ukraine is “in America’s core national security interest,” and labeled Russia a “revisionist state” that wants to “gobble up smaller neighbors.”

“The Biden Administration and our allies need to do more to supply the tools Ukraine needs to thwart Russian aggression,” the Kentucky Senator went on, calling for America to continue propping up Ukraine, no matter what the cost.

“It is obvious this must include additional air defenses, long-range fires, and humanitarian and economic support to help this war-torn country endure the coming winter.

Should the GOP seize control of the Senate in November’s midterms, McConnell says the Ukrainians can expect to receive even more American aid at warp speed.

“It is not enough for the Biden Administration to slowly, eventually get around to providing it,” McConnell said of additional aid to Ukraine. “It must be expedited.”

“A Republican majority in the Senate will focus its oversight on ensuring timely delivery of needed weapons and greater allied assistance to Ukraine,” McConnell promised.

Video: Ukrainians Party in Kiev as America Continues Sending Billions in Foreign Aid to Stop ‘Invasion’

Titling his public statement “Democrats Must Stop Fighting American Energy and Start Aiding Ukraine Faster,” McConnell sought to tie American energy production to the ongoing war in Ukraine as if the two shouldn’t be mutually exclusive issues.

For years now, the global political establishment and their corporate allies have looted Ukraine in plain sight, profiting to the tune of billions thanks to Ukraine’s shady energy sector, which has been tied to both the Biden and Pelosi families.

Related: Hunter Biden Helped to Fund U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine, Documents Show