SACRILEGIOUS: ‘Reverend in Name Only’ Raphael Warnock Redefines the Term RINO, Says Team Herschel

A member of Team Herschel Walker redefined the political epithet, RINO, after he called the Democrat Party Nominee for Georgia Senate, Raphael Warnock, a “Reverend In Name Only,” for his pro-abortion stance in a tweet posted on Wednesday.

The tweet was posted by Will Hampson, a member of the communications team for Herschel Walker, in response to a tweet from radio talk show host, Erick Erickson.

“‘Reverend’ Raphael Warnock’s closing ad in Georgia is a robust defense of aborting children who might be born with birth defects,” Erickson said on Wednesday.

Elisa Martinez, the founder of New Mexico Alliance for Life, analyzed Warnock’s recently published video propaganda.

“Pro-Abortion ‘Pastor’ Raphael Warnock’s closing abortion ad is a sad but predictable ploy – using the 2% of abortions to justify the 98%,” Martinez said. “Cruelly ending the life of a child with a disability or defect is not a humane choice.”

Warnock (D) describes himself as a ‘pro-choice pastor,” and he gave his take on abortion in his second debate with Herschel Walker (R) on October 14th.

“I’m a pro-choice pastor, and I believe that a hospital room is way too small for a woman, her doctor, and the United States Government,” Warnock said.


“Did he not mention that there’s a baby in that room as well?” Walker asked in his second debate with Warnock. “He’s [also] asking the taxpayer to pay for it.”

“I have never known a preacher that likes abortion even after birth won’t pay his child support and evicts poor people to the street. I will pay the $4500 in past due rents listed in this news article to keep Reverend Warnock from evicting these people,” Walker declared.

Walker referred to an article which revealed that Ebenezer Baptist Church served eviction notices for residents who were just $28.55 past due on their rent.

Warnock, who has raised the most money out of any candidate in the nation for the 2022 midterm congressional election campaign, has received 95% of his funds from outside the State of Georgia. Mark Kelly’s (D-AZ) $81,813,866.37 is a distant second to Warnock’s $123,504,253.43.

Raphael Warnock. Reverend In Name Only.

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