SICK: Mattel’s “American Girl” Publishes Book Pushing Puberty Blockers, Gender Transitioning To 3-12 Year Olds

The American Girl brand released a book titled A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image.

The book pushes gender transitioning on kids aged 3-12.

In the book is advice to kids on how to change their gender including discussing puberty blockers and providing a list of organizations for kids if they don’t have an adult they trust.

The Daily Mail reported:

The owner of the American Girl Doll brand, toy giant Mattel, has refused to explain why the company has published a book promoting puberty blockers amid a growing backlash from parents.

A Smart Girl’s Guide: Body Image was released on November 1 and targeted at children ages 3-12.

The book contains advice about how to change gender – without their parents’ blessing and attempts to teach pre-teen girls ‘to live comfortably in their own skin.’

A passage in the book – marketed to girls aged between three and 12 advises: ‘If you haven’t gone through puberty yet, the doctor might offer medicine to delay your body’s changes, giving you more time to think about your gender identity.’

Many customers were outraged over what the book included.

The New York Post reported:

After word of the book spread, irate parents took to social media to question its appropriateness. Some even left negative reviews on American Girl’s website claiming they are so angered they will now boycott the brand entirely.

“How sad that a book tells a child there are medicines to take to stop puberty or if parents won’t listen seek organizations that will, this is all gender-related,” one displeased customer said. “How sad this world is becoming that American Doll takes on the role (sic) of thinking they should give gender assignment advice in a book. Shame on you.”

One reviewer snapped at the brand, which is owned by Mattel, to “stay in their lane.”

“I will no longer buy any of your dolls or accessories for my grandchildren! Shame on you for introducing a book to young girls to change their gender. No more stay in your lane,” the commentator wrote.

Detransitioners and experts issued a warning to parents about what this book was pushing.

Luka Hein, a detransitioner, called it “troubling” that American Girl would promote a book like this.

Fox News reported:

Another detransitioner, Luka Hein, described the book as “really sad.” She said she had an American Girl book when she was younger, titled “The Care & Keeping of You,” which included “age appropriate information regarding development and taking care of the body you have.”

Luka said it was “troubling” that the brand, which “once seemingly prided itself on making sure girls were able to take care of and love their bodies for what they are, and build their confidence about being a young girl” would promote such a book. She called out the company for promoting the message that if girls are “uncomfortable with what should be considered normal teenage issues, that they should seek out medicalization and alter their bodies because there’s something wrong with them.”

Luka argued that young preteen and teenage girls need to be allowed to grow, develop, and build confidence in their bodies through unbiased and appropriate information about how development works. She also said young girls should be aware that it’s both normal and okay to feel uncomfortable about some of these things, “but that doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them.”

“Gender ideology has become increasingly predatory towards young girls’ moments of discomfort during puberty, and books like that are only adding to the predatory nature of that.” Luka added.


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