WATCH: Amazing School Board Speech Denounces Critical Race Theory

Last Updated on December 23, 2022

A mother named Fallon Clark, who is associated with the pro-Republican BLEXIT movement, spoke at a recent school board meeting in Hamilton County in Tennessee to denounce the Critical Race Theory (CRT) curriculum agenda being pushed on America’s schoolchildren. CRT is widely seen as pushing anti-White racism while emboldening exploitative minority grievance agendas by distorting the history of Western Civilization to portray White people as being evil.

Clark said that Critical Race Theory “plants the same seed of divisiveness,” and argued that the curriculum perpetuates false ideas about the history of our nation.

“Slavery ended in 1865. A hundred and forty-six years worth of information since then, and yet it’s filled with nothing but slavery, trauma, inferiority, and that’s all the history anyone ever shoves in front of us. Again, why? What is the purpose? CRT is not an accurate account of Black history or American history, for that matter, and it is imperative that we do not allow it to pass as such,” Clark stated.

America is experiencing major parental backlash to politically-motivated education in America’s schools. The tendency for educators to push Critical Race Theory and also the transgender ideology on small children has inflamed many decent-minded parents across the political spectrum and contributed to symbolically significant Republican electoral wins in the 2022 midterm elections and the most recent Virginia gubernatorial race.

However, with Republicans constantly on defense, and conservative parents fighting the anti-degeneracy fight themselves, the social pendulum in America continuously swings to the left. Only by going on offense, peacefully agitating against the entire Woke agenda while simultaneously laying out a defined and popular set of ideas of their own, can conservatives truly slow the Left’s authoritarian march toward so-called “Progress.”

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