Kevin McCarthy: Subject of Counterintelligence Investigation, Part 4 – Sexual Behavior

Last Updated on December 27, 2022

Sexual behavior that involves a criminal offense; reflects a lack of judgment or discretion; or may subject the individual to undue influence of coercion, exploitation, or duress. These issues, together or individually, may raise questions about an individual’s judgment, reliability, trustworthiness, and ability to protect classified or sensitive information.

Kevin McCarthy Investigation
via US security clearance guidelines, provided by Green Beret Veteran and Constitutional Attorney Ivan Raiklin.

In the case of Kevin McCarthy, his own sexual behavior has already stopped him from becoming Speaker of the House once before, when in 2015, he was forced to step down from Speaker contention when an alleged affair he was having with female GOP Rep. Renee Ellmers hit the headlines.

Among those at the forefront of stopping McCarthy and his alleged affair baggage from getting the gavel were members of his own party.

“any candidate for Speaker of the House, majority leader, and majority whip withdraw himself from the leadership election if there are any misdeeds he has committed since joining Congress that will embarrass himself, the Republican conference, and the House of Representatives if they become public.” Rep. Walter Jones R-NC, email just before Kevin McCarthy withdrew from the Speaker of the House race in 2015.

That was part of it. … It was a combination of different things that have happened over the years and this was one of them” referring to the alleged affair between Kevin McCarthy and Renee Ellmers.

Kevin McCarthy Affair
via The Washington Examiner

Conditions that could raise a security concern and may be disqualifying include:

(a) sexual behavior that causes an individual to be vulnerable to coercion, exploitation, or duress; and

As was the case with failed Speaker candidate Congressman Bob Livingston in 1998, and Kevin McCarthy in 2015, because McCarthy has yet to address the affairs in the past, and likely new ones since 2015, he has a tendency to be susceptible to coercion exploitation, and duress.

This was evidenced when he stepped out of the Speaker’s race in 2015 and when he was coerced by something as trivial as a conversation that Lizzie Cheney recorded of Kevin discussing that he would ask President Trump to resign.

Bob Livington McCarthy
Before there was Kevin McCarthy, there was Bob Livingston

(b) sexual behavior of a public nature or that reflects a lack of discretion or judgment:

Close colleagues of Kevin McCarthy describe him as a person where “There are no red lines, core policy beliefs, or inviolable principles”. “McCarthy played both sides.” Thus in his quest for the Speaker’s gavel, he will likely violate moral, ethical, and likely legal norms to ensure his ascendency to the Speakership. Once there, it will be too late for the Nation to recover from such a grave national security threat after the top 3 Federal officials are subject to blackmail, foreign capture, and a plethora of other points of blackmail and leverage by interests anathema to US Constitutional principles.

This report was originally compiled by Green Beret Veteran and Constitutional Attorney Ivan Raiklin and then censored by Substack.

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Stay tuned to National File for more of Ivan Raiklin’s expert counter-intelligence investigation into Rep. Kevin McCarthy, as Patriots within Congress take on the uni-party swamp to bring McCarthy’s campaign for Speaker to a screeching halt. 

Part 3 from Ivan Raiklin: Kevin McCarthy: Subject of Counterintelligence Investigation – Foreign Preference?

Read More: McCarthy Used FTX Cash to Defeat Conservatives in 2022