Now Sheboygan, Wisconsin Parents Uncover Cartoon Porn in Their School Library

This filth has been showing up in schools across the nation.  Now parents in Sheboygan, Wisconsin have found it in their school libraries. 

The parents in the Sheboygan, Wisconsin school district were shocked when they discovered that the child porn being pushed across the country under the Biden Administration was found in their school library as well.

The parents in this Midwestern city along the shore of Lake Michigan were stunned when they discovered that there was child porn in their school library.

Parents discussed this discovery on social media and encouraged fellow parents to attend the School Board meeting.

This is the same material that is being pushed across the country by deviants in the Biden Administration.  This stuff is sick.

The School Board Meeting took place last night and the local TV channel was there.  Because of the parents reaction, the school reportedly removed a couple of books from their library.

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