DNC Approves Biden’s Request to Remove Iowa as First Voting State – Replace it with South Carolina… Iowa is Too White

In December the Democrats voted to remove Iowa as its first voting state and will replace it with South Carolina.

Apparently Iowa is too white.

This move was championed by Joe Biden to ‘reflect the party’s diverse electorate.’

“The Democratic party looks like America, so does this proposal,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison.

On Saturday the Democrat National Committee officially approved Biden’s request to move the first voting state to South Carolina.

Reuters reported:

The Democratic National Committee on Saturday approved President Joe Biden’s shakeup of the party’s 2024 primary calendar, giving Black voters a greater say in the nominating process and carving an easier path for Biden’s expected re-election bid.

The party’s vote on Saturday replaces the famed Iowa caucuses as the first in the nation with South Carolina, a state with significantly more Black voters and one that saved Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. It would be followed by New Hampshire and Nevada one week later, and then by primaries in Georgia and Michigan.

The promotion of South Carolina and Georgia reflects a demographic balancing decades in the making for the Democratic Party at the expense of two largely white states that rejected Biden in 2020. It also underscores the growing power of the racially diverse coalition that helped bring Biden to power.

The move faced opposition from leaders in Iowa and New Hampshire, who are being pushed down the nominating calendar and vowed to defy the new schedule and hold elections on their own schedule. Any change to those calendars would require support from Republicans who control government and oppose the move.

Joe Biden pushed for the Democrats to move its first voting state to South Carolina because that is where he made his ‘come back’ in 2020.

Recall, the Democrats were up to their old tricks during the Iowa caucuses in 2020.

The Iowa caucuses were marred by glitches, technical difficulties and shady coin tosses.

This is par for the course with Democrats.

They want elections to be murky.

Pete Buttigieg won the last delegate in one precinct in Iowa’s Caucuses in 2020 with a coin toss.

Joe Biden was in fifth place after Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire and he magically made a ‘come back’ in South Carolina.

This was of course after Pete Buttigieg bowed out of the race in a back room deal and was promised to be given a cabinet position in a Biden Administration (he’s now Transportation Secretary).

The post DNC Approves Biden’s Request to Remove Iowa as First Voting State – Replace it with South Carolina… Iowa is Too White appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.