Trump Campaign Retweets NationalFile Reporter Charles Downs

Last Updated on April 14, 2023

The Trump Campaign’s Twitter account retweeted NationalFile Reporter Charles Downs’ Twitter account Friday afternoon. Downs noted the thunderous applause Trump received during his speech at the NRA Convention in Indianapolis.

The Tweet retweeted by Trump’s campaign read, “Donald Trump received the loudest cheers out of any elected official who addressed the NRA Convention. It’s clear Republican voters want Donald J. Trump to be their 2024 nominee.”

Earlier that day, Downs and others highlighted the fact that Mike Pence was booed at the NRA Convention in his home state of Indiana.

Trump posted on TruthSocial about his excitement before addressing the NRA crowd, “Will soon be leaving for Indianapolis to speak this evening before the Great Patriots of the NRA. I look forward to it, and ALWAYS look forward to being in the Great State of Indiana!!!”

Victory Insights polling released on Friday shows Donald Trump with a 30-point lead over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in Iowa Caucus Polling.

Video: President Trump Praises National File’s ‘Very Good’ Reporting

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