Still Nothing from Corrupt DOJ After Ex White House Aide Provides Evidence of Biden Crimes – Dan Ball Discusses with TGP’s Joe Hoft on OANN

This past week it was reported that an ex-aide of the Obama White House provided the DOJ evidence of Biden crimes in 2014.  The DOJ has ignored this evidence to date. 

The DOJ is beyond corrupt.  It spends its time attempting to take down President Trump and Christian Americans who pray outside abortion clinics but it ignores the multitude of treasonous crimes that occurred in the Obama-Biden White House.

American freedom is done until this gets fixed.

This past week former Obama stenographer Mike McCormick claimed that in 2014 then-Vice President Biden used American taxpayer money to enrich his family and he said that Hunter Biden and Jake Sullivan were in on it.

McCormick was on FOX News and shared the following story.

Attorney Tyler Nixon who grew up in Delaware and knew Hunter Biden at that time asked the question – how do you indict the president, his son, the President’s National Security Advisor (Jake Sullivan), the DOJ and FBI?

It’s a good question.  How can we Americans enforce the law when the top of the Executive Branch are the criminals?

On Friday night, Dan Ball on OANN discussed this case with Joe Hoft from TGP.  The US gave Burisma via money to Ukraine $50 million in 2014 shortly after Hunter was placed on the Board of Burisma.  How is this not a crime?  Yet, when provided to the DOJ and FBI they do nothing.

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