Kayleigh Kozak, a survivor of child sexual abuse and a strong voice for policy promoting victims’ rights, was recently disinvited as a keynote speaker at the Arizona Crime Victims Rights Week awards ceremony in response to a tweet slamming Katie Hobbs for vetoing legislation to give more protection to potential victims of pedophilia.
Kozak, who prompted Kayleigh’s Law in 2021 to give victims lifetime protection from their abusers, was canceled for saying she was “disgusted” by Hobbs’ recent veto and that Hobbs is “prioritizing pedophiles over innocent children.”
Janae Shamp’s SB1253 would add even more protection for children and stricter notification requirements for convicted sex offenders, requiring them to give annual notice to the school their child attends. However, this new bill added language requiring sex offenders with parental rights to notify their children’s school, regardless of what district it is in. This is important in Arizona, where a child may attend any school regardless of their zip code. Still, Hobbs refused to sign the bill into law, claiming that the state is already doing enough to punish sex offenders.
The Gateway Pundit recently reported on the vetoed legislation and suppression of Kayleigh Kozak. Kozak released a statement slamming the corrupt government agencies that canceled her.
When The Gateway Pundit asked for more information on the termination of Kozak’s speech, Jennifer Liewer provided the following statement from Maricopa County Attorney’s Office:
The Arizona Crime Victims’ Rights Week Awards Ceremony is an annual, non-partisan, statewide event hosted by numerous state and local agencies honoring the work of victim’s rights advocates. The event is organized by a committee of employees who work for the various agencies sponsoring the event. Earlier this year, Ms. Cox contacted Ms. Kozak on behalf of the committee to invite her to speak at the event. After the agencies became aware of several inflammatory social media posts made by Ms. Kozak, including posts that stated the Governor protected pedophiles and encouraged people to use #hobbs4pedos, the agencies determined that it was no longer appropriate for Ms. Kozak to speak at the event, which is hosted and attended by the Governor. Ms. Cox offered to call Ms. Kozak to relay the message because she had been the person to extend the original invite. The County Attorney’s Office has no further comment on the matter.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, Kozak told us that she received a call from the Division Chief of Victim Services at the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, Shawn Cox, disinviting her from speaking at the upcoming Arizona Crime Victims Rights Week awards ceremony. Cox allegedly said the State of Arizona and Maricopa County were “concerned,” “anguished,” and “uncomfortable” to have her on stage with officials she has criticized using her First Amendment. In the phone call, Cox specifically cited Kozak’s tweets that were sent following Hobbs’ veto but not her Instagram posts.
“They’ve now gone fishing through all my social media and have now started picking out other things that they don’t agree with,” said Kozak.
Kozak was told on Monday by Shawn Cox, the wife of Arizona Voice for Crime Victims founder Steve Twist, that her tweets caused concern among the leaders who are putting on the event. Cox described the “discomfort” felt by Katie Hobbs and referred to the Arizona Crime Victims Rights Week awards ceremony as “the governor’s event,” according to Kayleigh.
Regardless of Kozak’s choice of words, she is clearly being unconstitutionally targeted and suppressed by the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office to protect Katie Hobbs from criticism.
RINO Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell was previously assigned to prosecute Kozak’s offender after she was sexually abused by her middle school coach. Kayleigh told The Gateway Pundit, “I want to believe she wants the best for me, but clearly, she does not.”
Kayleigh also told us, “as the prosecutor, she agreed to the plea deal that was six months in jail, and she never disclosed to my parents that he would not be on the DPS sex offender website” or that lifetime probation could be appealed and reduced. She continued, “My parents wanted him to have that public scrutiny, so they were under the impression that he would be on the DPS public registry and that he would never, ever, ever be able to get off his probation, and that’s why they agreed to that, when in reality that is not the case.”
According to Shouse Law Group, “Level 1 sex offenders will not have their information widely disseminated through the community notification process, and might not even be listed in the publicly available database of sex offenders, online.”
Kayleigh Kozaks’s name is still being used as a keynote speaker to advertise the event on at least one webpage, claiming she “will share her compelling story behind why she proposed and successfully passed the Lifetime Injunctions statute in AZ, otherwise known as Kayleigh’s Law.”
TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson spoke to Kayleigh Kozak recently about Katie Hobbs’ veto and the decision by the Governor, the Attorney General, the Maricopa County Attorney, the Department of Corrections, the Department of Public Safety, the Department of Juvenile Corrections, and the Arizona Criminal Justice Commission to revoke her First Amendment rights.
Watch below:
Conradson: Katie Hobbs vetoed this bill that would increase school notification laws for registered sex offenders who have parental rights. One can only assume that she cares more about protecting pedophiles than children in the schools. Can you tell us more about what happened with this law, and what do you make of this with her veto?
Kozak: So it does appear that she is prioritizing the protection of pedophiles over innocent children in schools. So, her response had stated that there’s already laws in place for this, but she specifically noted that it was for offenders and they will be notifying within the school district the offender lives. What about the children that live outside those districts? This bill would have narrowed the gaps that currently exist in the law and would have required registered sex offenders with parental rights to notify their children’s school in which they attend, which is not always the district that they live in.
Conradson: To me, it looks like she’s prioritizing pedophiles over children. What do you think? Can you build more on that?
Kozak: Absolutely. It does appear that way because she vetoed the bill. So it’s dead now and it doesn’t exist. And if this bill would have been signed into law, we would have been prioritizing protecting innocent children in schools over protecting a pedophile’s identity. Pedophiles are the most protected criminals that exist, and especially here in Arizona, level-one sex offenders are not on the DPS sex offender website so people can’t even access that information. It’s not available. This bill would have made it so schools are fully aware of who and if there is a registered sex offender that is a parent of a child that attends their school.
Conradson: They’re now saying you know, they told me in a statement that because you used certain language on your separate Instagram posts, that’s why they canceled you from speaking but originally they went after your tweets. What does it tell you now that they’re going after all your social media posts and trying to target you and justify their cancellation of your speech?
Kozak: Well to me it validates that they have nothing other than a personal vendetta against me. Because I openly stated that I was disgusted in the governor’s decision to veto the bill, they’ve now gone fishing through all my social media and have now started picking out other things that they don’t agree with, that originally, they had never even mentioned because I was originally told that I was disinvited from this event because of my tweet which simply stated that I was disgusted with Governor Hobbs’ veto and decision to prioritize protecting pedophiles over innocent children in schools.
Conradson: They mentioned that it’s a nonpartisan event. That was seemingly the way of them justifying, we don’t want politics involved. But is is this a political issue in your opinion?
Kozak: It should not be a political issue, but I absolutely think they’re coming after me and they disinvited me for political reasons.
What does this mean for the First Amendment free speech especially for a fighter like you, someone who’s fighting for victims rights? What does it mean for your ability to speak on victims rights in Arizona?
Kozak: I absolutely feel like my first amendment rights have been violated and that I’m being punished for simply stating my opinion and using a few specific words, and they are punishing me and shunning me and ostracizing me for using words like disgusted, prioritizing pedophiles, and new to me today, #Hobbsforpedos that they have now included, because I’m pointing out and, for their words, criticizing the governor and what she has done, they are going to punish me for using words under my First Amendment rights.
The post EXCLUSIVE: “They’ve Now Gone Fishing Through all My Social Media” – Victim of Child Sex Abuse Kayleigh Kozak Responds to Suppression For Speaking Out Against Katie Hobbs (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.