Chile To Issue Controversial CV Certificates Despite WHO Saying Immunity Not Likely

By Aaron Kesel

Chile’s government is going ahead with a controversial COVID-19 immunity certificate program despite the World Health Organization and others warning that immunity to the virus might not be possible, the BBC reported.

The immunity documents would be given to Chile citizens to allow them to return to work, Deputy Health Minister Paula Daza said. The World Health Organization (WHO) has stated there is “no evidence” that patients who contract coronavirus are immune from being infected again. Although, Chile insists that the certificates would not yet certify immunity, the country’s top health official Jaime Manalich said.

“Once the respective quarantine is completed, we will provide…a release certificate, but we will not make any pronouncement with respect to immunity,” Manalich said.

The WHO argues that such certificates could inspire false confidence and help the coronavirus spread as a result, The Guardian reported.

Chile has reported 189 virus-related deaths and more than 16,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

“There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection,” the WHO said in a briefing.

The agency even warned that so-called “immunity certificates” could be harmful, because they could lead people to ignore public health advice and therefore increase the risk of transmitting the disease.

The WHO also mysteriously deleted a tweet suggesting COVID-19 infected persons could catch the virus a second time. This suggests that they may go forward with the dystopian plan for immunization certificates despite knowing they won’t work.

Meanwhile, back in the U.S. Anthony Fauci states that the U.S. could issue immunity certificates as well to get the economy back and rolling.

“It’s one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure who the vulnerable people are,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN. “This something that’s being discussed. I think it might actually have some merit.”

Other countries like Germany are also considering immunity certificates for their own citizens.

South Korean health experts at the South Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have sounded the alarm after 292 former coronavirus patients retested positive for the disease after having previously recovered testing negative. Meanwhile, other officials in China published a paper in peer-reviewed journal Cell Research found that a woman who died from CV-19 had remaining virus parts inside her lungs after testing negative three times and being discharged from a hospital, South China Morning Post reported.

“Our work provided the first pathological evidence for residual virus in the lung for a patient [who tested negative] three consecutive times,” wrote the researchers, led by Dr Bian Xiuwu of the Army Medical University in Chongqing, southwest China.

The officials in China and South Korea aren’t the only ones to witness the virus reemerging in patients. Researchers in Italy say a woman tested positive again 60 days after she was diagnosed despite two months of quarantine and continual swabs, Newsweek reported.

Reuters further reports that China’s earliest patients remain unable to get rid of the virus as well, noting that a man had the virus two months after testing positive. Chinese doctors say that there are other cases where patients tested negative then positive again after some time upwards to 60-70 days.

Researchers suggests that the virus has the ability to hide within our cells, and then reemerge later. To make matters more confusing, other doctors and scientists have stated that the coronavirus kills the immune system by attacking T-cells, which are responsible for our immune system. Thus it makes sense that our bodies wouldn’t be able to recover or create antibodies to fight the virus. On top of that the virus appears to be mutating quickly and a patient could easily catch another strain of the virus.

This alludes to a confirmation of earlier reports retracted by Indian scientists that ZeroHedge reported which stated COVID-19 SARS2 had four new sequences matching HIV-1 gp120 inserted into its spike or S-proteins. Dr. Judy Mikovits a molecular biologist and former director at the lab of Antiviral Mechanisms NCI, makes the same argument in Epoch Times‘ film, stating that: “the virus is certainly not natural, given the S-proteins and E-proteins.”

Mikovits isn’t the only molecular biologist speaking out; Czech Dr. Sona Pekova is also working on the tests for the virus and stated that it’s likely an escaped lab experiment due to the modified proteins.

The U.S. has officially denied that the coronavirus was man-made despite properties that would suggest the latter like the mutation rate and fact the virus can jump across species, something that lead virologist at the Wuhan Virology lab, Shi Zhengli was studying for years, replacing the S-protein in SARS with bat coronavirus. (See this author’s previous article: “New Evidence CV Is An Escaped Experiment; U.S. Funded Wuhan Lab $3.7M Studying Bats, Safety Warnings.”)

Symptoms of the coronavirus include a fever, cough, shortness of breath, and other breathing difficulties. However, according to Chinese state media, some are not experiencing any of these symptoms and are instead experiencing nausea, diarrhea, tiredness, bad concentration, headache, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, cornea inflammation, and muscular pains in the limbs, back, and waist. There are also emerging suspected symptoms; for example, French scientists have warned that COVID-19 may cause dermatological problems such as hives, painful red skin and a condition similar to frostbite. However, the CDC is constantly adding new symptoms and just added an additional six being — Chills, Repeated shaking with chills, Muscle pain, Headache, Sore throat and loss of smell or taste.

Best preventive measures include washing your hands, and avoiding public places where someone may be sick, according to the CDC. Although, the virus is airborne and can be spread from an infected person breathing, talking or sneezing within your vicinity. If that’s not enough, preliminary studies have suggested the virus remained on air particles within pollution. This means the virus could be carried over longer distances, increasing the number of people infected, according to The Guardian.

**By [@An0nkn0wledge](**

Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post.

Top image: Pixabay

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Chile To Issue Controversial CV Certificates Despite WHO Saying Immunity Not Likely