Video: Loomer Exposes DeSantis Admitting Florida Insurance Carriers Are Broke

Last Updated on September 1, 2023

Loomer shared a video of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis admitting Citizen Insurance is out of money. This is going to spell major implications for those whose property was damaged as a result of Hurricane Idalia. Worse for Floridians, hurricane season is just kicking off, and Ron DeSantis seems much more interested in running for president than fixing the insurance crisis.

In the video Loomer shared, DeSantis said, “I think, as most people know, Citizens has not been solvent. If you did have a major hurricane hit with a Citizens property holders, it would not have enough to pay out.”

Loomer writes, “@RonDeSantis has created an insurance crisis in Florida. Hurricane Idalia’s damage is going to further drive up the cost of premiums in Florida. Here is video of @RonDeSantis saying exactly what I said during a press conference, this year. As of August 9, 2023, there are 1.35 MILLION Citizens Insurance policies in the state of Florida. In this video, @RonDeSantis ADMITS Citizens insurance is INSOLVENT. ”

Loomer goes on to explain the ramifications of Citizens Insurance being broke, writing, “That means there’s no money left for claims if you file a claim with Citizens. If your home is damaged in Hurricane Idalia, don’t count on getting your claims fulfilled. You can thank @RonDeSantis for screwing you over.”

In the coming weeks, America will learn how horrific Florida’s insurance crisis is as claims will be denied, and premiums will skyrocket for all Florida residents, not just those affected by the hurricane.

Instead of solving the issue last winter, Ron DeSanits decided to spend his time running a shadow campaign for president before officially announcing his run in the spring. DeSantis spent his political capital in the Florida State Legislature changing Florida law to benefit himself by allowing the Florida Governor to run for president and remain governor. This allowed DeSantis to still collect a paycheck from the people of Florida.

The pending insurance crisis could be the final nail in the coffin of DeSantis’ presidential campaign. DeSantis’ globalist cash is not going to be able to get him out of this problem.

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