UK Commissions Science Group Full of Communists, Conspiracy Theorists to Advise on COVID-19

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An “independent,” shadow SAGE group, is full of partisan hacks, conspiracy theorists, and communists posing as unbiased scientists.

The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, SAGE, the group of scientists currently advising the UK government on how to handle the coronavirus outbreak, has come under fire in the British press for including Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson’s chief advisor. How can a scientific body be unbiased if it contains political figures, the argument goes.

In response to this, Sir David King, a former scientific advisor to Labour Prime Ministers Blair and Brown, decided to set up a shadow, “independent” SAGE, full of scientists who would “take evidence from global experts,” and broadcast a press conference at the same time as the official government one.

Sir David criticised the attendance of Cummings and the lack of transparency, arguing that there would be a “confusion” with the advice, as politics muddles with science:

Dominic Cummings has the ear of the prime minister, so who is informing the prime minister about scientific advice? Is it Cummings or is it the chief scientific adviser? Suddenly you get a confusion. There must be a single voice taking the view of the scientific community to the prime minister, that is the most important thing… Cummings is an adviser to the prime minister and the chief scientific adviser is an adviser to the prime minister. So there are two voices from the scientific advisory group and I think that’s very dangerous because only one of the two understands the science… I am not at all critical of the scientists who are putting advice before the Government … but because there is no transparency the Government can say they are following scientific advice but we don’t know that they are.

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However, Guido Fawkes, the Westminster blog site responsible for uncovering many scandals and leftist aggravation, has revealed that the scientists of the so-called “independent” shadow SAGE are “hyper-political,” and include “actual communists, Labour Party donors, activists… Brexit conspiracy theorists and even a former Greek MP.”

It’s no surprise given that Sir David himself has a vendetta against the government. He was kicked from the post of the Special Representative for Climate Change when Johnson was Foreign Secretary, and subsequently came out as a strong critic. Sir David has also promoted the idea that Brexit and the Johnson government are an “alt-right” plot.

The very much partisan members of the shadow SAGE group include:

  • Professor Susan Michie, a 40-year-long member of the British Communist Party, who donated £14,000 to the Labour Party under Corbyn.
  • Dr Zubaida Haque, who said that stories of anti-semitism in the Labour Party were “weaponised religion” stoked by “Steve Bannon politics,” and who also defended the citizenship of the terrorists, Shamima Begum.
  • Professor Elias Mossialos, a Greek MP for the Panhellenic Socialist Movement from 2009-2012, and former head of EKON, Rigas Feraios, the Greek Communist Youth.
  • Professor Allyson Pollock, a conspiracy theorist who thinks the NHS is being privatised under our noses and a campaigner against tackling in school rugby matches.

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All the sources for these claims are available on the Guido Fawkes website.

The post UK Commissions Science Group Full of Communists, Conspiracy Theorists to Advise on COVID-19 appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.