Video: Hillary Clinton Wants to ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters

Last Updated on October 6, 2023

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton still is not over her 2016 loss to Donald Trump. In a Thursday interview with CNN, Clinton said Trump supporters must be deprogrammed. Clinton and her globalist friends have held contempt for MAGA since Trump became the GOP’s nominee in 2016. During the 2016 election cycle, Clinton infamously referred to Trump voters as a basket of deplorables.

Clinton told CNN, “There wasn’t this little tail of extremism wagging the dog of the Republican Party as it is today, and sadly, so many of those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left.”

Hillary went on to say the extreme voters of MAGA will break with Trump because Trump is not extreme enough, “when will they break with him [Trump]? At some point, there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members. Something needs to happen.”

History has shown horrific events happen when a political party wants to “deprogram” its political rivals. The United States Constitution was written to prevent Clinton’s dream from happening. However, globalist attacks on the rule of law have weakened legal free speech protections that should be afforded to American citizens.

A Democrat victory in the 2024 presidential election could very well lead to Democrats packing the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure the globalists can carry out their wild fantasies on the American people. Reeducation camps for Trump supporters fall under the category of wild dreams that could become reality.

This is not the first time Hillary Clinton has publicly displayed her contempt for Trump supporters. Weeks before the 2016 election, Hillary referred to Trump supporters as a basket of deplorables. Many political insiders believe this comment played a large role in Hillary’s 2016 election loss.

2024 is shaping up to be one of the most defining elections in American history. Stay with NationalFile for continuing coverage of the 2024 election.