Court Says Innocent Mom Can’t Sue Cops Who Mistook Candy for Meth, Jailed Her for MONTHS

By Matt Agorist

Monroe County, GA — An innocent grandma, Dasha Fincher, was kidnapped by police and thrown in a cage for months—not because she did anything wrong—but because police couldn’t tell the difference between cotton candy and meth. Seriously. After being locked up for no reason, this innocent new grandma went after the police who did this to her, in the form of a lawsuit, as well as the company who manufacturers the dangerously inaccurate tests cops used to take her freedom.

This week, Fincher learned exactly how much money she will be getting from her lawsuit against the negligent drug warriors who stole her freedom. Zero.

Unfortunately for Fincher, the word justice is little more than an illusive thought in the land of the free. She was told this week that she has no right to sue and she must accept the fact that cops were not responsible for throwing her in a cage for 94 days — even though they were the ones who did so.

Federal Judge Tilman Self dismissed Fincher’s lawsuit this week, according to FOX 5, writing “without a doubt, Plaintiff should never have spent 94 days in jail. And while the Court certainly empathizes with her, it nonetheless must follow the requisite law.”

Fincher responded with one of the most discouraging quotes we’ve ever printed, saying, “and I thought nobody cared before. But now I really think nobody cares. You know? The justice system. The law enforcement.”

Sadly, it appears that she’s right.

Judge Self said because Monroe County deputies assumed the test kits gave them accurate readings, they have sovereign immunity protection from her lawsuit.

And just like that, criminally negligence cops who deprived an innocent grandmother of her freedom for months, escape any and all accountability.

This gross negligence and kidnapping is all due to a flaw in the system stemming from prosecutors and police being unconcerned with actually testing evidence. A new report from CBS uncovered this problem in dozens of states in which innocent people are rotting in jail because police departments don’t send the evidence — that could potentially free them — into the lab to get tested.

According to the report, the average lab turn around time is around 100 days. This happens to be roughly the same amount of time Fincher spent in a cage for cotton candy.

This horror movie for Fincher started back on New Year’s Eve of 2016, a day this innocent grandmother says she’ll never forget.

Fincher was on her way to a pawn shop with her boyfriend that day when cops targeted her for extortion, claiming her tint was too dark. Her tint was legal, but cops used the stop as a fishing expedition to look for other “crimes.”

Fincher said she wasn’t nervous because “we weren’t doing anything wrong.” Never did she expect police would claim the cotton candy in her backseat were drugs. But that’s exactly what happened.

“Then they found the cotton candy in the floorboard of the car,” said Fincher.

As the video shows, the bag police claimed was meth was an obvious bag used to hold cotton candy. It looked nothing like the zip-lock bags or other tiny bags meth is usually found in. It would be like a cocaine dealer selling coke from a purple Crown Royal bag.

The cotton candy was blue as well which is atypical because real meth is clear or white and only drug dealers looking to be like Breaking Bad add blue tint to their product, which is highly uncommon.

Still, however, this innocent grandma-to-be was accused of trafficking a large quantity of blue meth, in a cotton candy bag, that looked like cotton candy.

As Fincher noted, Deputy Cody Maples and Deputy Kevin Williams asked her what was in the bag. When she told them it was cotton candy, they did not believe her. According to the incident report, these expert drug recognition officers claimed that “based on the packaging and crystal like feature, Corporal Williams tested the substance.”

The officers then used the highly faulty field test kits which have been known to produce false positives—repeatedly. Predictably, the cotton candy falsely tested positive for drugs.

“I couldn’t believe it,” Fincher said, adding “I wanted to cry, but I was like ‘this would be over in a minute. It would be over in a minute.’ I really didn’t even think that I would even go to jail.”

However, Fincher would then become one of many women and men to suffer horrific fates at the hands of negligent cops and their continued use of faulty field drug test kits.

In fact, tens of thousands have been convicted and served time — even earning the black mark of a felony — for crimes they likely didn’t commit, according to a report, because the cases against them relied on horribly unreliable field drug test kits.

So prone to errors are the tests, courts won’t allow their submission as evidence. However, their continued use by law enforcement — coupled with a 90 percent rate at which drug cases are resolved through equally dubious plea deals — needlessly ruins thousands of lives.

Dasha Fincher is one of these people.

As WMAZ reported, this innocent grandma was put in jail for more than three months. Fincher says a judge set her bond at $1 million. In March 22, 2017, GBI lab tests came back to said there were “no controlled substances confirmed in the sample.”

Fincher told CBS that she considered pleading guilty to a lesser crime just so she could get out of jail. She said she was about to do just that before the lab tests came back.

While in jail, Fincher’s daughter miscarried a baby and could not be comforted by her mother. Also, Fincher missed the birth of her twin grandsons.

“My daughter had a miscarriage. I wasn’t there for that. My twin grandsons were born. I missed that,” said Fincher.

“I want Monroe County to pay for they did to me,” said Fincher at the time. Sadly, however, thanks to a corrupt and self-protecting system, that will never happen.

Source: The Free Thought Project

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project. Follow @MattAgorist on Twitter, Steemit, and now on Minds.

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Court Says Innocent Mom Can’t Sue Cops Who Mistook Candy for Meth, Jailed Her for MONTHS