UNHINGED: Radical Left Squad Member and Terrorist Apologist Rep. Rashida Tlaib Gets Triggered, SCREAMS at RAV Reporter Ben Bergquam and Her Staff, Calls Police! (MUST SEE VIDEO!)

Real America’s voice correspondent Ben Bergquam was back in our Nation’s Capitol on Thursday, where he confronted radical pro-Hamas Democrat Rashida Talib with questions about her support for terrorism.

In the epic exchange, Congresswoman Talib actually yelled at Ben, accusing him of “dehumanizing Palestinians” when asked, “Why do you support terrorists?” and whether or not she would denounce Iran’s proxy army, Hamas, waging war and invading Israel.

She can then be heard yelling at her staffers, “I don’t even want to be here anymore!” Bergquam reports that the pro-defunding police radicals later called Capitol Police on him for asking her questions, but he was fully within his rights. “These guys are so not used to having media that actually holds them accountable,” Ben told his viewers.

Bergquam was also on the ground in DC yesterday, and he confronted Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego with questions about the Democrats’ open borders. “Are you paid off by the cartel?” Bergquam asked as Gallego walked away, pretending to be on a phone call.

As Hamas wages war on Israel, Democrats in America are celebrating and whipping up mobs.

The Gateway Pundit recently reported on a demonic phone call where a Hamas animal brags to his parents that he murdered 10 Jews “with my own hands.” With tears of joy, the proud father wailed, “Oh, my son, God bless you!” The mother also cried, “I wish I was with you,” before her terrorist son responded, “Your son is a hero! Kill, kill, kill!”

We also reported on a horrific presentation that IDF soldiers showed to journalists, revealing 43 minutes of documented bloodshed and animalistic violence perpetrated on people in Israel with never-before-seen footage. “Make it stop,” journalists could be heard while watching the gory presentation. See some of the newly released footage of the environment that Americans were abandoned in here.

Worse than refusing to denounce this violence and antisemitism, the Squad and radical left Democrats want to bring One Million Palestinians and Hamas terrorists from Gaza to the US in a neighborhood near you. 

The Gateway Pundit just reported on breaking news that Rashida Talib even employed three activists reportedly linked to Hamas for fundraising during her 2018 election campaign. One of these activists was previously incarcerated for eight months due to suspected ties to Hamas terrorists. Rashida Talib and her campaign are in bed with the terrorists whose primary goal is to slaughter and eradicate the Jewish race.

Remember this the next time they call conservative Americans antisemitic.

Terrorist Apologist Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s Extensive Fundraising Ties to Hamas Insiders Exposed by Watchdog Group

Bergquam confronted Rashida Talib on Palestine and Hamas right next to her Palestinian flag!

Watch below via Frontline America on Rumble:

Bergquam: Congresswoman, will you denounce Hamas? Will you denounce Hamas? Why do you support terrorists?

Talib: You’re dehumanizing Palestinians.

Bergquam: No, you’re supporting terrorists.

Talib: You ARE dehumanizing Palestinians.

Bergquam: No, you’re supporting terrorists. You’re supporting terrorists.

She’s screaming in there. That’s who we have in Congress, guys. That’s who we have in Congress, right there. I heard her say, “I don’t even want to be here anymore.” That makes two of us for you. Apparently, they called the Capitol Police, so a police officer just went inside. I thanked him for his service. Ironic, isn’t it? The same people that want to defund the police are the first ones to call them for being asked questions. That’s the tough thing, being asked questions. So, apparently, this so-called Representative doesn’t want to be asked questions by American citizens, a representative of America, who supports Palestine, but not America.

That’s the world we’re living in today. The officers just came out, they walked away, and I said, “Am I okay?” They said, You’re ok, sir. Just don’t impede the members.” I would never think about it, never, ever think about it. Just here to ask questions and hold them accountable. What’s ironic about this is the left does this, they love to do this, they send out their people to go and harass Representatives. I just want to ask questions, but these guys are so not used to having media that actually holds them accountable that they’re inside there right now. Their staff keeps poking their heads out to see if I’ve gone. It’s so pathetic. They’ll send their minions out to attack other politicians. But if you show up and ask a question, they will hide and run away. This is what needs to happen every single day. We need to have people here, holding these people accountable every single day. If you’re a young person in America and you come to DC, you can do it too. Just show up on the street corners, go into the offices, ask them questions. Be respectful, but ask them questions. These people need to be held accountable. We need an army of people doing this every single day.

The post UNHINGED: Radical Left Squad Member and Terrorist Apologist Rep. Rashida Tlaib Gets Triggered, SCREAMS at RAV Reporter Ben Bergquam and Her Staff, Calls Police! (MUST SEE VIDEO!) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.