Muslim Voters Turn on Biden Over His Support of Israeli War Effort

Last Updated on December 3, 2023

Muslim voters have launched a campaign to “abandon” Joe Biden in 2024, thanks to the Democrat’s support of the Israeli war effort in Gaza, where thousands of civilians on both sides of the conflict have been killed, including more than an estimated 6,000 Palestinian children.

Muslim voters from multiple swing states have turned on Joe Biden and launched an “#AbandonBiden” hashtag campaign in protest of his support for the Israeli war effort in Gaza, where Muslims and Jews are engaging in a modern-day holy war that has increasingly begun to spill into the United States. In addition to the hashtag campaign, groups of Muslim voters have held several swing state rallies and press conferences this month, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and making their dissatisfaction with Biden known.

Over the weekend, Muslim voters and community leaders from at least the states of Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, met in Michigan to discuss their next move, and spoke to the press and their supporters from behind a lectern with signage reading “ABANDON BIDEN CEASEFIRE NOW.”

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The meeting took place in Dearborn, the city with the highest proportion of Arab Muslim residents in the entire United States. The city has a large Palestinian community and is represented in Congress by Democrat “Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Despite the Dearborn area and the Islamic communities’ longtime support of Democrats, Muslim voters say they’re breaking with Joe Biden in protest of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, which Biden has staunchly supported.

“Families and children are being wiped out with our tax dollars,” Jaylani Hussein, one of the Dearborn event’s organizers, said at the Saturday press conference, according to the AP. “What we are witnessing today is the tragedy upon tragedy.”

“The anger in our community is beyond belief,” Hussein reportedly told the AP. “One of the things that made us even more angry is the fact that most of us actually voted for President Biden. I even had one incident where a religious leader asked me, ‘How do I get my 2020 ballot so I can destroy it?” Hussein said.

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