BREAKING: Army Soldier Files Criminal Complaint Against Commanding General for Unlawful Retaliation – in Violating His Whistleblower Status

Major General Robert Edmonson/Image: US Army

The Gateway Pundit reported that the U.S. military punished service members who had religious objections and exercised their legal rights to refuse the COVID mandate. One of the targets of this vindictive behavior is former Army medical officer and whistleblower First Lieutenant Mark Bashaw.

In June, five months after the vaccine mandate was rescinded, Bashaw was booted from the military.

Now, Bashaw has lodged a complaint against his commanding officer, Major General Robert Edmonson, alleging that he was unlawfully retaliated against for charging that the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate was unlawful.

Bashaw tells The Gateway Pundit, “My duty as a military medical officer, and an Army officer in general, was to communicate issues properly to my chain of command, which I did. After which, they retaliated against me for a total of 573 days before I was unlawfully discharged on 26 June 2023.”

Bashaw claims his removal is direct retaliation for warning his chain of command of the potential harms of the COVID-19 vaccines, masks, and tests.

In an affidavit, Bashaw alleges his commanding officer violated Article 132 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Article 132 bars service members from retaliating against someone for reporting a criminal offense or making a “protected communication,” such as a protected whistleblower disclosure.

The complaint also alleges a violation of Article 92, which is failure to obey a lawful order or regulation.

In his role as an Army Public Health Officer stationed at the Army Public Health Center, his duties included investigating potential risks to personnel from diseases and recommending risk mitigation strategies for his leadership to implement.

Bashaw, an openly practicing Christian, was one of the first to identify the significant lies being perpetrated by the Army in the course of pushing various COVID-19 mitigation measures as ‘safe and effective.’

When his leadership refused to listen to him, he became a congressional whistleblower and played a role in several investigations run by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI).

Knowing that the military masking and testing mandates were both ineffective and against the laws governing EUA products, Bashaw ultimately elected to exercise his legal right to refuse these products.

On January 18, 2022,  Major General Robert Edmonson convened Bashaw’s court-martial.

On April 29, 2022, Bashaw was found guilty by Judge Robert Cohen in the special court-martial ordered by General Edmonson. Judge Cohen, however, elected to award “no punishment” to Bashaw at sentencing.  He then highlighted Bashaw’s outstanding character and 16 years of honorable service and even recommended that General Edmonson drop all charges and reverse Bashaw’s conviction.

The Army refused to drop the charges. Then, MG Edmonson inflicted additional harm by initiating involuntarily separation against Bashaw based on the unjust and unlawful court-martial conviction alone.

In June, Bashaw was involuntarily separated from the military after 17 years of honorable service. Bashaw joined the tens of thousands of other highly trained and morally courageous service members who were unlawfully discharged for taking a stand in defense of the Constitution and their own legal rights. Most of these heroes received a vindictive general discharge from the military branches they had served so faithfully, making it incredibly difficult to obtain civilian employment and other benefits.

Bashaw is now seeking an investigation and/or UCMJ charges against Edmondson, alleging Edmondson retaliated against him for 523 days after receiving protected whistleblower communications alleging violations of regulation, federal law, and substantial dangers to public health and safety associated with the COVID-19 shots.

“Commanders who knowingly violated the UCMJ by retaliating against Service Members who submitted protected communications must be held responsible for their actions. We’re at a time when trust in our institutional leaders is at an all-time low. General Charles Hamilton has a duty to take proper action upon this criminal complaint with the evidence therein,” Bashaw shared with TGP.

Read Bashaw’s full complaint here:

U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command, as well as Army Materiel Command, are aware of Mr. Bashaw’s allegations. Each department told The Epoch Times, “As a matter of policy, we do not discuss ongoing personnel matters. We do take all allegations seriously and will review the complaint.”

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