J6 Patriots Aim to Raise $500,000 by Christmas to Fund Legal Defense, Family Needs

Last Updated on December 22, 2023

J6 Patriots and their supporters have until the very last second of Christmas night to raise $500,000 to fund their legal defense teams and resources for their families while receiving a $500,000 cash match from former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne, who’s been outspoken in his support of the J6ers against a weaponized federal government.

J6 Patriot and DC gulag prisoner Jake Lang, who has been held for over 1,000 days without a trial, helped organize the fundraiser that will send money to two groups, the J6 Legal Fund and the Stand in the Gap Foundation. The fundraiser aims to keep J6 Patriots represented by private attorneys, not left-wing DC public defenders, and to help “stand in the gap” financially for J6 families, who have in many cases seen the heads of their households imprisoned for years for standing against election fraud.

Donations can be made through the J6 Legal GiveSendGo page, which shows that, as of the publishing of this article, the fundraiser is less than $98,000 short of its $500,000 goal, with just over three full days of fundraising left.


Speaking with National File, Jake Lang reported that “the support has been pouring in” since Patrick Byrne announced he’d match donations up to $500,000. Lang asked National File readers to “help the J6 political hostages secure much-needed funding this Christmas, to fight their legal battles against a wicked and corrupt Biden DOJ.”

Learn More About the J6 Legal Fund and the $500,000 Christmas Fundraising Drive in the Video Below: