TOO MUCH TO BEAR: Overprotected Brown Bear Population Soars in Slovakia – A Town Declares Emergency After Attacks Leave a Woman Dead and the Population Reeling

While the nefarious effects of the failed, crippling green EU policies are in the spotlight in the case of the European Farmers – who are  battling regulations that can cause a manufactured famine in the old continent – they are hardly the only example.

While protecting the wildlife – to a degree – is obviously a good thing, the obsession with focusing solely on the animals and completely forgetting humans is causing chaos in a small Slovakian town, where bear attacks have multiplied, and authorities say that extremist ecological groups ‘have turned Slovakia into open-air museums where one can no longer move normally’.

Brown bear roaming through the city.

Slovakia saw its second bear attack in three days, with one woman dead, and a town in the north of the country declaring a state of emergency.

Some argue that extreme conservation efforts have caused brown the bear populations to soar.

Euronews reported:

“Local authorities say that five people aged between 10 and 72 have been injured in the town of Liptovský Mikuláš, near the Tatra mountains. On Tuesday, authorities said they expected to capture the bear after six armed patrols were hunting the animal. People have been advised to exercise caution – especially in the morning and evening.

‘The bear has been pushed into uninhabited zones by rescue and security forces where emergency teams … have orders to eliminate it’,” according to the town hall. ‘We are a town between mountains, but still a town. We cannot allow a bear to attack five people in the centre in broad daylight’, the town hall added.”

Footage shows the bear running along a road scattering pedestrians and charging at a man who was forced to climb a fence to escape the animal.

This latest attack happened just a day after a 31-year-old woman from Belarus died while being chased by a bear in the area on Friday evening.

The attacks led to widespread calls to reassess the ‘protected status’ of bears in Slovakia, and across Central and Eastern Europe.

“Over the weekend, Minister for the Environment Tomáš Taraba criticised media coverage that downplayed the role of the bear in the woman’s death. He claimed in a post on social media that the ‘unnecessary tragic event’ was the result of ‘NGOs reaching out to the Ministry of the Environment, telling us how bears are herbivores and how they pose no risk to humans’.

‘In Slovakia, we have a ruling of the Constitutional Court, which makes it impossible for us to shoot bears across the board. So congratulations to the Constitutional Court, I hope you are happy with your work’, Taraba added.”

Bear attacks have become a major political debate in Slovakia, with most politicians debating the issue during last September’s parliamentary election.

The post TOO MUCH TO BEAR: Overprotected Brown Bear Population Soars in Slovakia – A Town Declares Emergency After Attacks Leave a Woman Dead and the Population Reeling appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.