DOJ Releases “Totally Exculpatory” Strzok Notes To Michael Flynn’s Lawyers

DOJ Releases “Totally Exculpatory” Strzok Notes To Michael Flynn’s Lawyers

Tyler Durden

Tue, 06/23/2020 – 17:05

The Department of Justice on Tuesday released handwritten notes from the Michael Flynn case taken by former FBI official Peter Strzok, which the Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross reports to be “totally exculpatory” for the former national security adviser.

The notes, likely taken between January 3-5 of 2017, were released to Flynn’s lawyers under seal by Michael R. Sherwin – acting US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia – and are “very significant,” according to the Caller‘s source. They were discovered by a federal prosecutor appointed to review the Flynn case.

On May 7, the DOJ moved to drop charges against Flynn despite the former Trump adviser pleading guilty to making false statements to the FBI on December 1, 2007 regarding his conversations with the former Russian ambassador during the presidential transition. It has since emerged that Flynn may have done so under duress – with prosecutors threatening an expensive litigation that would involve his son, Michael Flynn Jr.

Flynn retracted his guilty plea in a January 29 statement filed by his new attorney, Sidney Powell, who accused prosecutors of withholding exculpatory information according to the report.

Attorney General William Barr appointed Jeffrey Jensen, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, to review Flynn’s case after his lawyers accused prosecutors of withholding exculpatory information.

Jensen has since discovered and turned over several documents to Flynn’s lawyers. –Daily Caller

Meanwhile, the FBI tried to close the Flynn investigation on January 4, when agent Peter Strzok insisted it continue. Handwritten notes from an FBI agent tasked with investigating Flynn reveal that they were targeting Flynn in early 2017 with the intent of prosecuting him or getting him fired.

One document is a Jan. 4, 2017, memo from the FBI’s Washington Field Office recommending that the counterintelligence investigation against Flynn be shut down due to a lack of evidence that he was conspiring with Russia.

Strzok intervened to keep the case open, writing to others at the FBI that the “7th floor” — the FBI’s leadership — wanted to continue its investigation of Flynn. –Daily Caller

“What is especially terrifying is that without the integrity of Attorney General Bill Barr and U.S. Attorney Jensen, we still would not have this clear exculpatory information as Mr. Van Grack and the prosecutors have opposed every request we have made,” said Powell.

It appears, based on the notes and emails that the Department of Justice was determined at the time to prosecute Flynn, regardless of what they found, Powell said.