Antifa Member Arrested After Attempting to Topple Jackson Statue Also Attacked Jack Posobiec

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An Antifa member known online for assaulting and harassing conservative personalities was arrested by federal law enforcement for his role in the attempted destruction of an Andrew Jackson monument near the White House; the accused has reportedly been identified as a “ringleader” in the attempt to destroy the monument.

Jason Charter was arrested on Thursday morning by federal officials and charged with destruction of federal property, according to Fox News.

The FBI’s criminal complaint cites video of the incident and claims Charter can be seen assisting and directing the vandalism, as well as firsthand involvement in the toppling and subsequent burning of a statue of Confederate General Albert Pike in Washington.

Charter self-identifies as a member of the Antifa movement which was recently designated a terrorist group by President Donald Trump.

However, this is not the first time Jason Charter has been filmed engaging in criminal or otherwise suspect behavior. Last month at a protest calling for the removal of an Abraham Lincoln monument, One America News reporter Jack Posobiec was assaulted by a group of antifa protesters and physically forced to leave the area after having water thrown on him and his phone stolen. A tweet from Ian Miles Cheong identified a man in a red visor “who assaulted Jack Posobiec repeatedly and refused to let him go to the police.”

READ MORE: VIDEO: Antifa Attacks Conservative Journalists Covering Protest Against Emancipation Memorial

A reply to the above tweet identifies the man as Jason Charter who replied to confirm his identity, saying “Yep that’s me.”

Gateway Pundit reporter Cassandra Fairbanks also accused Charter of calling her phone number late at night “like a weirdo”, and referred to a video Charter posted of himself addressing her saying “Cassandra, you need to take a chill pill. Nobody threatened you, nobody did anything to you… I was laughing the entire f***ing phone call”

It may also be noted that Charter, despite his involvement with the far-left group Antifa, was allowed to attend CPAC while several notable conservative media figures were banned due to accusations of being too far-right.

The Post-Millennial, with Gavin McInnes, considers that Charter may have been responsible for the latter’s removal from the Conservative Political Action Conference. During McInnes’s interview with Jared Holt, a far-left activist also permitted to attend CPAC, Charter confronted McInnes and left, only to be seen again as McInnes was being removed from the venue.

The Department of Homeland Security has announced a task force for the protection of federal monuments and statues against future such attacks.

The post Antifa Member Arrested After Attempting to Topple Jackson Statue Also Attacked Jack Posobiec appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.