Predictable: CNN Attacks Tucker Carlson for Daring to Confront Disabled Veteran Tammy Duckworth on Her America-Hating Vitriol

On Monday night Tucker Carlson blasted Senator Tammy Duckworth for suggesting that she is open to removing all statues of American founding father George Washington.
Duckworth made her remarks on CNN over the Independence Day weekend.

In response to Carlson’s remarks Senator Duckworth went to twitter and took a swipe at Tucker.
Rather than argue his points she attempted to shame Tucker Carlson over her disability.

But that swipe did not stop Tucker. On Tuesday Tucker Carlson went after “coward” Tammy Duckworth again.
This was EPIC!

Tucker Carlson: We wanted to have an exchange like that with Tammy Duckworth tonight. So we called her office and invited her on the show. Her flack informed us that before even considering our request we must first issue a public apology for criticizing Tammy Duckworth. In other words, I will not debate you until you first admit you were completely wrong. Keep in mind that Tammy Duckworth is not a child. At least not technically. She is a sitting United States senator… Duckworth is too afraid to defend her own statements on a cable TV show. What a coward. She is also a fraud… Tammy Duckworth is a callous hack who ignored the suffering of actual veterans when it actually mattered. She has no moral authority. She is just a politician like the rest of them. She works for us. This is a democracy. She has an obligation to explain herself and answer our questions. And the first question would be, “How can you lead a country you despise?”

The video is here.

Of course, following Tucker Carlson’s response to Senator Duckworth CNN chimed in and ruled that Tucker Carlson’s attacks on Senator Duckworth “crosses a line” because Duckworth is an injured war veteran.

This was so predictable.

This is how the left operates.
You have no right to disagree with a (fill in the blank) if you are not walking in their shoes.
They’ve been using this tactic for years as a tactic to shut down the legitimate dialogue.

John Cardillo weighed in–

The post Predictable: CNN Attacks Tucker Carlson for Daring to Confront Disabled Veteran Tammy Duckworth on Her America-Hating Vitriol appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.