DC Court of Appeals Orders Flynn Attorneys to Respond to Judge Sullivan’s Petition within 10 Days

The US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued an order on Friday that gives General Flynn and DOJ attorneys 10 days to respond to Judge Emmet Sullivan’s latest trick to delay the exoneration of General Michael Flynn.

The deep state judge refuses to drop the case against General Flynn despite the DOJ’s announcement weeks ago now to drop all charges against targeted Trump associate because of prosecutorial misconduct.

But the wacky judge won’t release Flynn from the charges that were dropped weeks ago.
It’s really a brazen move for the corrupt DC judge.

Law and Crime reported:

U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit responded on Friday to a petition for rehearing en banc by halting a prior order for U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the Michael Flynn case.

The order comes the day after Sullivan, through his lawyer Beth Wilkinson, asked the full court to rehear his case against the immediate dismissal of the prosecution. A three-judge panel on the D.C. Circuit previously granted Flynn’s emergency petition for writ a mandamus on June 24, directing Sullivan to dismiss the case. Trump-appointed Circuit Judge Neomi Rao penned the majority opinion, which George H.W. Bush-appointed Circuit Judge Karen L. Henderson joined.

Circuit Judge Robert L. Wilkins, who was appointed by Barack Obama, dissented.

The Friday order in re: Michael T. Flynn said that Flynn’s lawyers had to respond to Sullivan’s petition within 10 days. The D.C. Circuit also invited the Department of Justice to submit a response. The prior order to dismiss the Flynn case will be stayed “pending disposition of the petition for rehearing en banc”:

This comes during the same week where a newly released DOJ document from January 2017 that shows the FBI concluded retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn was not acting as an agent of Russia and noted that agents believed he did not think he was lying to them during an interview about his calls with Russia’s ambassador.

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