New York Governor Cuomo Insults President Trump, US Navy With Bizarre Coronavirus Poster

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released a poster at his press conference Monday that celebrates his response to the COVID-19 China coronavirus that devastated New York state and especially New York City this year resulting in over 32,000 deaths. The poster is cynically topped with a statement by Cuomo, “Wake Up America! Forget the Politics, Get Smart!”

The poster insults President Trump and the U.S. Navy while indulging Cuomo’s inflated ego.

Trump is depicted sitting on a crescent moon above and distant from the calamity wrought by the virus, with a caption that reads, “It’s just the flu.” Trump saved New York from Cuomo’s incomptent leadership by rushing thousands of ventilators and PPE to the state, expediting construction of field hospitals by the Army Corps of Engineers and by getting the USNS Comfort to New York City ahead of schedule and changing its mission to accept COVID patients.

While the Javits Center field hospital set up by the Army Corps of Engineers is depicted in Cuomo’s poster, the Comfort is nowhere to be seen, a stunning insult to the Navy doctors, nurses and sailors who ventured to harm’s way to help New Yorkers.

Image via Gov. Cuomo/Twitter, March 30.

Cuomo’s poster does feature the governor driving a muscle car and his three daughters and the family dog helping to save the day.

Cuomo has a penchant for posters.

Spectrum News reporter Nick Reisman reports Cuomo sketches the initial design for the posters that are then filled in by artists.

Fox News’s Janice Dean, who lost her both her in-laws to Cuomo’s nursing home coronavirus edict this year, noted another element missing from his poster.


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