TRUMP WAS RIGHT! Violent Leftist Mob Still Out at 2:40 AM on at Tuesday Night in Portland — Local Leadership Has FAILED

Democrats are VERY UPSET that President Trump sent in federal agents to prevent violent leftists from destroying federal building in Portland, Oregon.

Antifa, Black Lives Matter and fellow leftists have DESTROYED Portland’s downtown.

These leftist groups have been rioting in Portland for over 50 nights!

Over the weekend Democratic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler did not attack the rioters. Instead he blasted President Trump for sending in federal agents to quell the riots.

On Tuesday the nightly rioting continued in Portland.
Videographer Garrison Davis filmed the chaos.

Garrison posted this video at 2:40 in the morning.
HUNDREDS of violent leftists were still marching in the street.
They were carrying metal railings to hurl at police and federal agents!
Obviously, these rioters don’t have to be at work in the morning.

Mayor Ted Wheeler has failed.
Portland is COMPLETELY out of control!

The post TRUMP WAS RIGHT! Violent Leftist Mob Still Out at 2:40 AM on at Tuesday Night in Portland — Local Leadership Has FAILED appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.