Loon Does Not Want Public Inspection of Experimental License to Blast WiFi from the Sky

By B.N. Frank

Activist Post has reported MANY times about satellites, pseudo-satellites, and loons being launched to blast WiFi and 5G at Earth despite warnings from experts about this being biologically and environmentally harmful AND there being too much space junk up there already.

Now, Loon wants the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to give them permission to send more wireless-radiation emitting vehicles into the sky without having to provide much information about it.  The FCC is NOT a health or environmental agency.  They are supposed to protect the public by regulating the telecom industry.  They haven’t been doing that since long before the Trump administration (see 1, 2); however, this continues to become more obvious and dangerous(1, 2). Just last month, they were accused of breaking environmental law for approving more SpaceX satellites to be launched.  They are also being sued for not protecting the public from harmful levels of wireless radiation (see 1, 2) and forcing 5G deployment nationwide.

From FierceWireless:

Exactly what Loon is up to remains confidential, but the Alphabet company submitted filings last week seeking permission to conduct a market trial in the 71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz bands using High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS) as relay transmission points in Puerto Rico. The purpose: to deliver broadband service to maritime vessels.

Loon, formerly known as Project Loon that started out in Google, asked the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) that information related to its experimental license application be treated as confidential and not subject to public inspection. It said disclosure of certain information would cause significant economic and competitive harm.

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The FCC is part of “The Swamp” that Trump promised to drain when he was running for president.  How much longer do we have to wait?

Activist Post reports regularly about The FCC and unsafe technology.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

Image: Wikipedia

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Loon Does Not Want Public Inspection of Experimental License to Blast WiFi from the Sky