Is AOC About To Lose Her Job?

Is AOC About To Lose Her Job?

The fact that Nancy Pelosi and her fellow establishment Dems aren’t too fond of AOC and her ‘squad’ of female leftist ideologues is hardly news. And now that AOC has launched the first Democratic Socialist Super PAC (whoever thought we’d be writing such a sentence five years ago?) to back ‘progressive’ primary candidates, oftentimes against candidates backed by the DNC, including several longtime lawmakers.

With Bernie Sanders now on track to win the Democratic nomination and avert a brokered convention largely thanks to his dedicated core of fanatical supporters who believe Bernie can do no wrong, the DNC is finally being forced to confront the socialist threat on its left flank.

AOC is doing all of this to push through her nightmarish and neo-communist agenda of reforms that will ensure a much bigger government and restrictions on business that are seemingly tailor-made to tank the economy, like a federal jobs guarantee.

“It’s time to elect a progressive majority in Congress accountable to strong, grassroots movements that push support for issues like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, racial justice, & more,” she said on Friday.

She also recently told the New York Times in a piece dedicated to her new campaign arm is to become “a little less lonely” in Congress

And in keeping with the left’s preference for gimmicks and fixation on identity politics, AOC is launching an “All-female slate of progressive candidates”.

It’s all evidence that AOC is trying to “leverage her influence among activists to try to reshape the Democratic Party.”

But as the world has learned in the months and years since President Trump triumphed over Hillary Clinton, the DNC has no interest in ‘changing’ the Democratic Party, and it mostly views this insurgent leftist threat as a bunch of loudmouthed clowns and soyboy leftists whose most strident quality is a pervasive sense of entitlement.

As the NY Post editorial board pointed out in an editorial in Monday’s paper, AOC is already in trouble with the leadership over her refusal to pay dues to the Dems’ fundraising arm.

It ended the review with a warning: Don’t be surprised when the party’s powerbrokers move to eliminate her seat during the redistricting that will follow the 2020 Census.

If this does happen, and it’s looking increasingly likely that it will, we could soon see CNBC’s Michelle Caruso-Cabrera on Capitol Hill.

And it would certainly make for an interesting twist in AOC’s inevitable best-selling autobiography about her rise from behind the bar to Capitol Hill.

Tyler Durden

Mon, 02/24/2020 – 13:34