“We Need a FOX News in Europe!” – Jews in Germany Appeal to Rick Grenell for Help Against Horrid Leftist Media

Writing in German Jewish monthly “Jüdische Rundschau“, Oliver Veld has appealed to US ambassador and acting DNI Richard Grenell for help against a left-wing media onslaught on free speech and conservatives in Europe.

Conservatives have been under intense fire in Germany from a coalition of the ruling center-left parties, left-wing media and violent Antifa ever since the opposition AfD helped elect a governor in the East German state of Thuringia February 5. The leftist outcry forced the duly elected governor Thomas Kemmerich (Free Democrats) to step down, after a wave of Antifa violence against Free Democrats and the conservative Values Union in Angela Merkel’s formerly conservative Christian Democrats (Gateway Pundit reported).

After a paranoid schizophrenic man went on a shooting spree Feb. 19 in the town of Hanau, killing 9 mainly Kurdish immigrants at two Kebap stands, the left-wing media have been trying to pin the “racist” killings on the right-wing AfD party, even though the obviously crazy lone shooter released a video in English days ahead of the rampage directed at US viewers, warning them of US president Donald Trump and “deep underground military bases where they worship the devil and torture and kill little children” in the United States.

Now, writing in „Jüdische Rundschau“, which also issues a Russian edition catering to the large, and largely conservative Russo-Jewish community in Germany, pundit Oliver Veld appealed to the US ambassador in Berlin and DNI Richard Grenell to help create a “German Fox News” to counter the massively one-side anti-American and anti-Conservative media in Germany:


“Dear Mr. Ambassador,

For decades the United States have been helping oppressed people in countries lacking free speech or diversity of speech. Americans created Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty to help Russians, Belorussians, Kazakhs, Turkmens or Iranians, who would otherwise have to rely on their countries’ government-censored media. On Cuba, Radio/TV Martí supplies various programs to provide a diversity of views.

Unfortunately, Germany must now be counted among the countries without an independent media. Basically all leading positions at TV and radio stations, press and journalism schools are filled by leftist and Green cadres. This development is especially pronounced among public broadcasters, as well as “Spiegel” and “Zeit weeklies and “Süddeutsche” newspaper. It’s no surprise these leftist outlets often collaborate on their “campaigns” or “investigations”.

If a politician like Philip Amthor (from Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats) dares to call out mass Muslim migration as the greatest current danger to Jews in Germany, he is subjected to a coordinated media barrage and forced to retract or relativize his statement. A small cabal of journalists wants to decide how to use the word “anti-Semitism”. The Cultural Journalism program at the University of Art (UdK) in Berlin, which hires far-leftists as journalism instructors, put on an “Anti-Semitism Seminar” on Feb. 13 without mentioning the greatest current threat to Jews in Europe with a single word.

German media do not hesitate to smear the United States at every turn: U.S. President Donald Trump has mended U.S.-Israeli relationships, buried the unpopular TTIP trade deal, vanquished the butchers of ISIS in the Middle East, kept nuclear dictators in North Korea and Iran in check, put a lid on illegal immigration of terrorists and violent criminals into the U.S., improved the disastrous Obamacare system, gave the Middle East peace process its first new impetus in a long time, and achieved the lowest unemployment rate in his country in decades! But very few media in Germany report on these huge successes. German journalists almost consistently trash-talk the elected President of our most important ally – especially Germany’s evening news flagship, the “Tagesthemen”.

Trump as “Greatest Threat to World Peace”

The result of this kind of coverage is no surprise: While President Trump is busy bringing peace and ending conflicts all over the world, a majority of Germans called him the “greatest threat to world peace” in a December YouGov poll – ahead of Vladimir Putin, North Korea’s Kim Jong UN, Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Chamenei, and China’s President Xi Jinping.

At the same time, the public broadcasters routinely demand more license fees from their captive audiences – but not in order to provide better, more balanced and objective journalism, on the contrary: They keep spawning new channels no one needs, with which to “reeducate” their viewers and provide jobs for fellow leftist activists, with formats like the “Kangaroo Chronicles”, whose sole purpose is to defame the largest opposition party in the Greman Bundestag, the AfD, with infantile humor. The fact that license fees are misused for this kind of political propaganda is a real scandal.

This entrenched. anti-democratic media cabal, in which far-left activists provide their buddies with jobs and salaries, must be disrupted.

We envy you Americans. You have a leader who is a true friend to Jews, who recognizes danger in time and averts it. You have a courageous President, who doesn’t just do what the journalists tell him to, but what is truly in the interests of the people of his nation.

It may not seem like it to you, but the American people have the good fortune of being better informed about the job their President is doing and seeing their own opinions better represented in the media, thanks to conservative media like Fox News, which also give a voice to people who are almost completely ignored in our media here.

Dear Mr. Grenell, 75 years after WW II, we need another US program to bring democracy back to Germany! We need a European Fox News. Please help us! Help us save diversity of opinion in Germany and save our endangered German-American friendship!”

Ambassador Richard Grenell has frequently called out anti-American bias in local media, as Gateway Pundit reported. The ruling Merkel government has been moving to use Gestapo tactics against the AfD opposition since Nov. 2018, when it replaced the head of the secret police with a party hack who is expected to do the government’s bidding.  Speaking to Russia Today recently, AfD foreign policy spokesman Petr Bystron raised the possibility of appealing to international observers like the OECD to ensure basic democratic standards in Germany.

The post “We Need a FOX News in Europe!” – Jews in Germany Appeal to Rick Grenell for Help Against Horrid Leftist Media appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.