MSM Peddling Fake News About Trump Calling Virus A ‘Hoax’

MSM Peddling Fake News About Trump Calling Virus A ‘Hoax’

The MSM (and its many tentacles) has been lying about President Trump calling the new coronavirus a hoax – when it’s obvious from his comments that he was referring to media criticism of his administration’s response to the disease.

They tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia,” Trump told a Charleston, SC crowd as he relayed a discussion with an adviser.

They tried the impeachment hoax. They tried anything, they tried it over and over since he got in…. and this is their new hoax,” Trump said.

And now, here’s MSNBC’s Brian Williams and guest Michael Moore peddling fake news about what Trump said:

Unsurprisingly, this lie has spread faster than the disease. The Washington Post‘s Dana Milbank wrote in a tweet with 65,000 ‘likes’ as of this writing “Remember this moment:  Trump, in South Carolina, just called the coronavirus a “hoax.”

Milbank and others have been called out for the fake news regarding their latest hoax:

Meanwhile, adding to the politicization of this deadly disease, resistance ‘journalists’ are now referring to COVID-19 as “Trumpvirus.”

First Trump’s coronavirus travel ban was racist. Now his administration isn’t doing enough. And all the while the anti-Trump media is using any opportunity they can – including by lying – to twist this into any hope of unseating Trump in November. 

Tyler Durden

Sat, 02/29/2020 – 13:20