Violent Maduro Socialists Fire On President Juan Guaidó’s Caravan in Venezuela – 16-Year-Old Boy Suffers Gunshot Wound

Violent armed groups of Maduro Socialists opened fire the caravan of President Juan Guaidó in Barquisimeto, Venezuela on Saturday.

A 16-year-old boy, Yorvis Lucena, was injured with a shot in the leg during the attack in Lara state.

As published by @VzlaAutonoma, they fired on the truck where the president loaded Guaidó was transported by orders of the regime governor Carmen Meléndez.

Human Rights defender Tamara Suju reported that the responsibility for the attack lies directly on the Maduro regime. The perpetrators were paramilitaries that are part of the PSUV Socialist Party, together with SEBIN agent.

On other hand, the President Guaidó said seeing the dictatorship point at me and our people neither scares me nor scares us. Guaido added, “When I entered this I knew what I was exposed to.”

Venezuelans maintain a permanent struggle against Maduro’s socialist regime.

Therefore, violent attacks and intimidation are part of the obstacles the opposition faces to get the tyrant out.

Socialism as an idea today travels the streets of the world trying to influence the citizens of other countries with the intention of destroying peace and people’s freedoms.

Also, the President Donald Trump at CPAC on the policies of the US left: “They want to turn the US into a large-scale Venezuela. We will never let it happen.”

Finally in a publication @jguaido warned the dictatorship that killing him will not stop this fight. I placed my life at the service of this cause.

Said Guaido, “If something happens to me, someone would take my place and Freedom will find its way.”

Elda Primera is a Venezuelan journalist in exile. She is a journalist covering the Venezuelan crisis. She was a television and radio reporter for 19 years in Venezuela before fleeing the country late last year. Currently, Elda continues to write about the Venezuelan conflict.  Elda is an expert on the dangers of socialism.  She is committed to freedom of expression and the restitution of democracy for a better wor

To contact the author:
Elda Primera at

The post Violent Maduro Socialists Fire On President Juan Guaidó’s Caravan in Venezuela – 16-Year-Old Boy Suffers Gunshot Wound appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.