EPIC! ICE Agents Snub Sanctuary City Law and Arrest Illegal Alien as He Entered San Francisco Courthouse

Great news!

Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] agents on Thursday snubbed the dangerous ‘sanctuary city’ law and arrested an illegal alien as he was entering a San Francisco courthouse for a hearing.

And the liberal California officials are livid!

CBS San Francisco reported:

Local officials were irate Thursday over the arrest by federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents of an individual as he entered a San Francisco courthouse for a hearing in violation of the city’s sanctuary law.

Both the San Francisco Public Defender and the District Attorney condemned the action on the steps of the courthouse on 850 Bryant St., and called on ICE to stop making courthouse arrests. Immigration rights advocates said it was the first time this type of courthouse immigration enforcement has occurred in San Francisco.

“ICE actions in or near our courthouses deters people from accessing our justice system, making us all less safe,” said San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

“California law explicitly forbids a civil enforcement agency, including ICE, from making a civil arrest without a warrant outside a courthouse,” said San Francisco Public Defender Mano Raju of the Election Day arrest. “San Francisco will not allow such egregious abuse of power to go unchecked; we will provide immediate and zealous representation to anyone subject to such illegal activity.”

This isn’t the first time an illegal alien was plucked off near a courthouse by ICE agents.

A couple weeks ago, three illegals were detained by ICE at the Sonoma County Superior Court, angering local officials.

The Trump Administration has declared war on sanctuary cities and we are here for it!

Thanks to last month’s ruling by the 2nd Circuit Court Of Appeals, Trump has now announced that the federal government will be withholding funding to sanctuary cities that harbor illegal aliens.

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