As the New Virus Spreads, Some Important Things to Remember

By Janet Phelan

We’ve been expecting the Big One for some time now. As far as pandemics go, the Big One has been alluded to by as far flung entities as The Guardian, the UN Secretary General and the former head of the WMD Center in DC.

With the spread of Covid-19, the worry beads are again out and being publicly aired. Cases of the coronavirus have exceeded 100,000 and new cases are popping up across the globe. Over 3400 people have died.  Schools and government buildings are being shut down and the financial impact is already of concern.

So it seems an appropriate moment to revisit what we know about the secrecy surrounding biological weapons and a rather nasty agenda that has reared up concerning them. The US has been nailed as having a covert delivery system, at least one, involving its dedicated reconfiguration of water systems, countrywide, which could easily facilitate the delivery of a pandemic agent to pre-selected targets.

Embedded in Section 817 of the USA Patriot Act is a legalism which grants the US government immunity from violating its own biological weapons legislation.  Equally, there is no international mechanism which would give any level of protection should a state party launch a biological weapons attack. The international accord known as the Biological Weapons Convention, which came into force in 1975, lacks any verification mechanism or any protocol for dealing with violators. Efforts by a group with the BWC to present such a protocol to the Convention at large were boycotted in 2001 by the US delegation, led by John Bolton.

There are also concerns in many sectors that vaccines could potentially be used as a delivery system. Indeed, this reporter has stated in previous articles that a black project already exists involving “doppelganger” pharmaceuticals, pills which might look just like the antibiotic or antifungal or antidepressant that you may have become accustomed to taking. However, the impostor or doppelganger will result in heart failure and death.

It is not known if the current President, with all his proclivities as a renegade, would indeed deploy the pandemic through available means. Certainly, when he signed CISA in 2018, it did not bode well.  In doing so, Trump provided more layers of secrecy to an already secret and potentially deadly system. He had a golden opportunity to denounce this as a Deep State project but he did not.

Increasingly, Americans realize that they are pretty much on their own. Betrayal and lies by government have become the norm rather than the exception. So while we are glued to our screens and wondering if Covid-19 is lurking outside our door, it would behoove us to remember that water can also be a delivery system and to take appropriate steps to protect ourselves.

Janet Phelan is an investigative journalist and author of the groundbreaking exposé, EXILE. Her articles previously appeared in such mainstream venues as the Los Angeles Times, Orange Coast Magazine, Long Beach Press Telegram, etc. In 2004, Janet “jumped ship” and now exclusively writes for independent media. She is also the author of two collections of poetry—The Hitler Poems and Held Captive. She resides abroad. You are invited to support her work on Buy Me A Coffee here:

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As the New Virus Spreads, Some Important Things to Remember