The Maduro Regime Does Not Even Allow the People to Assemble – This is Socialism for the World to See

People were attacked with gas in Caracas

The streets of Caracas were militarized this week by order of the Maduro regime in order to prevent the announced democracy protests.

President in charge Juan Guaidó called for mass protests on March 10 to bring together all the representatives of civil society.

The protests started with cheers and  enthusiasm but the demonstrators were quickly attacked by officials of the National Police to prevent the progress in the streets of Caracas.

The protesters were attacked with tear gas canisters and police beatings. However, the opposition achieved the proposed objective despite not being able to reach the legislative palace.

Also, the National Assembly met at Alfredo Sadel square and were able to approve legislation.

US Senator Marco Rubio sent a message to Venezuelans: “I know they are extremely difficult times.  But I also want you to know that in the US, and in all parts of the world.  You have millions of people behind you praying and supporting you openly.”

Deputy Henry Ramos Allup told supporters that in the face of the regime they must remain united and mobilize. “We must exerting pressure to achieve free, competitive elections.”

This photo of President Juan Guaido from the protests is powerful.

Via Dubraska:  For me this is the picture of the day. A leader who protests but isolates infiltrators who wanted to delegitimize the protest. A leader who is responsible. Our fight is peaceful but with our pants on.

It must be reported to the world – the Socialist regime in Venezuela does not even allow the people to walk freely or express ideas.

The struggle is not just for Venezuelans but for all countries that defend democracy and freedom are necessary.

Elda Primera is a Venezuelan journalist in exile. She is a journalist covering the Venezuelan crisis. She was a television and radio reporter for 19 years in Venezuela before fleeing the country late last year. Currently, Elda continues to write about the Venezuelan conflict. Elda is an expert on the dangers of socialism. She is committed to freedom of expression and the restitution of democracy for a better world.

To contact the author:
Elda Primera at

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