Coronavirus Likely Can Live Up to 4 Days on Phones + Phone Radiation Can Compromise Immune System

By B.N. Frank

A 2013 study indicated that cell phones were 10x germier than toilet seats.  Many studies have also indicated that exposure to cell phone radiation and other sources of wireless (5G, Bluetooth, WiFi) can compromise the immune system (see 1, 2).  A relatively new study has indicated that the novel coronovirus can live up to 96 hours on cell phones.  Considering both adults and children regularly use or are exposed to cell phones (and additional sources of wireless) – this all sounds like the ingredients for absolute toxic mayhem.

From Quartz:

Most cases of Covid-19 are mild—but it travels quickly. Luckily, the best way to prevent spreading it is pretty simple: Keep good hygiene. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds frequently, cover your nose and mouth when you cough, and try to avoid contact with others you know are sick.

These techniques work because tiny droplets from coughing and sneezing can carry the novel coronavirus as far as three to six feet (or one to two meters). If they happen to make it into another person’s airways, they could become infected.

But the virus can also likely live on the surfaces these droplets touch, sometimes for multiple days, says Rudra Channappanavar, an immunologist who has studied coronaviruses at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Glass in particular—like the kind on screen of the smartphone you’re probably reading this on—can harbor live coronaviruses for up to 96 hours, or four days at room temperature.

Read full article

All of this being what it is – one possible solution to greater immunity to the coronavirus and every other ailment known to human kind seems to be reducing our exposure to all sources of wireless radiation (5G, Bluetooth, cell phone and WiFi radiation) as well as all other sources of electromagnetic radiation aka Electrosmog (see 1, 2).  Given the current “Race to 5G” insanity – it won’t be easy.

Activist Post reports regularly about health risks from all sources of “Electrosmog”.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:

Image credit: Pixabay

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Coronavirus Likely Can Live Up to 4 Days on Phones + Phone Radiation Can Compromise Immune System