Pornhub Offers Free Premium Subscriptions in Italy to ‘Ease Coronavirus Pains’

The post Pornhub Offers Free Premium Subscriptions in Italy to ‘Ease Coronavirus Pains’ appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.

In Italy during the nationwide quarantine implemented by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Pornhub is offering free premium porn access to the entire country. Italy has unlimited access to “vaults of videos” for the next month.

This announcement was made shortly after COVID-19 themed pornography was made available on the adult movie site. One film features a “healthcare worker” in a hazmat suit.

“Pornhub is donating its March proceeds from Modelhub to support Italy during this unfortunate time (model earnings will remain untouched). Italy will also have free access to Pornhub Premium throughout the month. Forza Italia, we love you! Orange heart,” Pornhub shared on Twitter this Thursday.

With the exception of food stores and pharmacies, the entire country is in lock down.

The adult film site  was recently under scrutiny for acknowledging a verified model who turned out to be a trafficked child rape victim.

“Tweets by Pornhub, which acknowledged featuring and marketing 58 videos of one child rape victim on the website, have since been removed. These tweets had already been cached on the internet,” as previously reported on National File.

Italy, which has a population with a high percentage of citizens over 80-years-of-age, has been majorly effected by rapid infection and death rates.

With records of 1,000 mortalities and 15,000 positive coronavirus tests as of earlier this week, the people in Italy truly are in a state of crisis.

People need express written permission to leave their homes, and it is reportedly taking a toll on Italians.

“The challenge for many countries who are now dealing with large clusters or community transmission is not whether they can do the same – it’s whether they will,” says Dr Tedros, chief of the World Health Organization.

Now all those who can’t leave home have access to premium adult videos thanks to Pornhub.

There are even those who suggest that one months worth of donations from PornHub is more effective than the plans being implemented in the United States to combat and contain the coronavirus.

Compared to Italy, the United States rates of infection are not as widespread, though some suggest the United States may only be days behind Italy.

As the weekend approached, the United States had at least 2,000 cases scattered across 48 of the 50 States with Alabama and West Virginia being the only two with no reported cases.

There are around 50 reported deaths caused by the COVID-19.

The post Pornhub Offers Free Premium Subscriptions in Italy to ‘Ease Coronavirus Pains’ appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.