REPORT: Property Owners in California, Ohio, Oregon Forbidden to Remove Homeless Camping on Their Land

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In the state of California there is an unconfirmed claim that the local government enforcement officers were preventing a man from removing a homeless tent encampment that had popped up on his front lawn against his will.

The man was allegedly told by police that he would be arrested and charged if he were to try to remove the camps from his front lawn.

The video make clear two things that can not be disputed, even if the threat of arrest is unconfirmed. One being that these homeless people where not welcomed on his property by the man, and secondarily that there has been no received assistance in removing these people from his private property.

Although unconfirmed, this is not an isolated incident.

An Ohio Court of Appeals made the ruling in December that governments cannot ban the homeless encampments from any private property. Portland is deliberating the possibility of mandating local property owner provide “resting spots” to the homeless who end up in their city.

Across the country, people are losing rights to maintain their personally owned property and protect themselves from homeless encampments which are likely to pop up with laws that facilitate their existence.

States with Democrat leadership are generally lenient with public drug use as well as the homeless encampments that have become very common in places like California.

As America’s homeless epidemic continues to grow in California and elsewhere on the coast, a team of concerned citizens have assembled all across the United States to clean these areas that now resemble third world nations. This project was lead by prominent conservative figure Scott Presler.


With the United States’ borders being less secure, and the prominence of sanctuary city programs geared towards aiding illegal immigrants, these cities are considered by many to be at great risk for exposure to coronavirus, as well as the already known and present diseases that spread in homeless populations in these cities.

The post REPORT: Property Owners in California, Ohio, Oregon Forbidden to Remove Homeless Camping on Their Land appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.