VIDEO: Women Clean Theater Vandalized by Feminists on International Women’s Day

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Following a messy protest–and scenes capturing an international audience–on International Women’s Day, feminists left a theater graffiti-ed and vandalized, which other women had to clean up for them.

According to a report, the Juarez theater in Guanajuato, Central Mexico, was trashed following the International Women’s Day protests, which gripped Latin America as millions of women demonstrated for equal rights and against ‘femicide.’

The minute-long clip shows a team of hard-working women with mops and buckets removing dozens of graffiti’d slogans with politically-loaded pro-feminist messages and the international woman’s symbol.

Commenters on YouTube were left unimpressed by the extent of the graffiti, voicing their discontent.

One wrote: “What an embarrassment! Women without education, and making a mess. It’s not me saying that; that’s what the facts say, that’s the reality of it.”

Another chimed in: “Simply criminal! No education, no morality, no shame, no principals, no honesty–I don’t know why the government allowed this to happen.”

“It’s a good thing that in Brazil we staunchly resist these progressive movements,” said a Brazilian viewer.

A fourth boomed: “How many women were rescued thanks to the destruction of this building? At least these women are cleaning up (after them). These women are not feminists!”

Many others complained about how other women were suffering and how none were helped by their ruinous actions.

Earlier this week, National File published an article containing a video where a feminist protester accidentally firebombed her fellow feminists when she aimed for riot police.

In places such as Chile, unprecedented turnouts were registered for the International Women’s Day march as a result of current political turmoil compounded with a pro-feminist movement as the Catholic church loses social influence in South America.

The post VIDEO: Women Clean Theater Vandalized by Feminists on International Women’s Day appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.