Is Covid-19 “The Big One” Or Just A “Dry Run?”

By Janet Phelan

Let’s face facts. As viruses go, the coronavirus is likely a dud. Its mortality rate is extremely low, though its contagion factor appears to be substantial. Compared to the normal yearly death toll from the flu, Covid-19 is a spectacular no-show.


Those who have succumbed to Covid-19, now numbering 7900 worldwide and ninety-five in the US, are largely comprised of the elderly. And the fact is that the US (and many of her Western cohorts) do not give a hoot about the old. Why else would the US be so intent on passing euthanasia laws as well as instituting such notoriously abusive practices as court-authorized adult guardianships, which are not only devastating to a senior’s nest egg but very often fatal to the senior so afflicted?

Several years ago, the CDC, the Department of Homeland Security, Health and Human Services and some heavy weights from prestigious universities put their heads together and issued triage protocols, should an epidemic be declared. The triage plans explicitly advised that in the case of a pandemic and limited medical resources, that the old and the sick should be denied medical treatment. Other countries, including euthanasia-happy Canada, have similar triage protocols.

So other than potentially culling some senior citizens from the Book of Life, what are the other effects of the coronavirus hysteria?


Apparently, this coronavirus is not “The Big One.” However, the response by governments and the UN is of such a tenor that one might think it is.

The coronavirus does provide an opportunity to test and/or refine policies and real-time effects of a contagion. These policies include quarantines, closed borders and further intrusions and violations of citizens’ privacy rights.  The effects could constitute studies of citizen compliance and market responses.


There are no real national or international legal mechanisms that would protect us from such a bioweapons test, or that would curtail the US from launching The Big One. The toothless, dysfunctional international accord known as the Biological Weapons Convention was launched in 1975 and to this day has no enforcement or verification protocol. We can thank the US delegation to the Convention, led by former Ambassador to the UN John Bolton, for that.

Fast forward to the anthrax attacks of 2001, handily and apparently falsely attributed to a Fort Detrick scientist who conveniently committed suicide before he could be charged. As a result of the anthrax attacks, the US government has poured billions of dollars annually into a shadowy and unaccountable biological weapons program. In addition, as icing on top of the anthrax cupcake, the attacks were used to change existing biological weapons laws to grant the US government immunity from violating its own prohibitions, via The Expansion of the Biological Weapons Statute, which was embedded within the USA PATRIOT Act.

Add to the mix a top secret and nearly undetectable delivery system and you’ve got a recipe for a biological weapons attack of massive proportions.  Call it a pandemic and you’re almost home free.

The one remaining step would be to launch a dry run, a test to see how your world-changing mass murder event would play out in the real world. To do so without the incumbent casualties would seal the deal.

With its minimal lethality coupled with the global mechanisms now activated in response, it looks as if Covid-19 fits the profile.

Janet Phelan is an investigative journalist and author of the groundbreaking exposé, EXILE. Her articles previously appeared in such mainstream venues as the Los Angeles Times, Orange Coast Magazine, Long Beach Press Telegram, etc. In 2004, Janet “jumped ship” and now exclusively writes for independent media. She is also the author of two collections of poetry—The Hitler Poems and Held Captive. She resides abroad. You are invited to support her work on Buy Me A Coffee here:

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Is Covid-19 “The Big One” Or Just A “Dry Run?”