The Coronavirus Pandemic Reaches the Socialist Country of Venezuela – Where the People are Already Suffering

Pandemic in Socialism of the 21st century

As of Monday the collective quarantine began with the arrival of the Coronavirus to Venezuela.

The quarantine includes Caracas and six states of the Socialist led country.

In the midst of the humanitarian emergency acting President Juan Guaidó asked Venezuelans to stay healthy. According to La Patilla the lack of preventative coronavirus equipment has Caracas hospitals in a horrible state.

Thanks to socialism.

The socialist tyrant Maduro said that the quarantine means that all activities at all levels are suspended.  In addition to the mandatory use of masks. The dictator also says that one should not leave the house except to cover special needs.

To make matters worse, in the state of Falcón, people have had no water for four months.  Therefore, in the midst of this health emergency they must go out daily in search of water for their families.

Certainly, hand washing is essential to combat the Coronavirus, but without water you cannot even wash your hands.  In addition, the socialist regime has deteriorated the current health service in Venezuela.  The current situation requires doctors to attend to possible coronavirus cases without health protection equipment.

And by the way, the narco-dictator Maduro also ordered a curfew.


Pandemic in Socialism of the 21st century

The people do not have food or water to resist at home. Given the strict measures , the pandemic continues its advance into the socialist country and the results of the decisions made will be evaluated in the coming days.

Suffering Venezuelans line up for water.

Elda Primera is a Venezuelan journalist in exile. She is a journalist covering the Venezuelan crisis. She was a television and radio reporter for 19 years in Venezuela before fleeing the country late last year. Currently, Elda continues to write about the Venezuelan conflict. Elda is an expert on the dangers of socialism. She is committed to freedom of expression and the restitution of democracy for a better world.

To contact the author:
Elda Primera at

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