Twitter Sells Out – Will Allow Chinese Government Propaganda About Virus Origin
Having withdrawn guidance for the rest of the year earlier in the evening, following a collapse in advertising revenue, it appears Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has once again sold out to the Chinese government (among others).
Who knows maybe once this is all over, Twitter will be forced to lay off its pro-establishment content nazis and the platform that started off as an experiment in free speech will finally return to its roots.
And ironically, that is almost what they did… except for one thing – if you’re an ‘average joe’, ‘blog’, or ‘Trump supporter’, you’ll still be banned; but if you’re a government official, you’re allowed to say whatever you want about the origins of COVID-19 and not get censored, suspended, or banned.
Twitter says coronavirus is “affecting our content moderation capacities in unique ways” and it cannot “take enforcement action on every Tweet that contains incomplete or disputed information” about the virus.
And, therefore, in a tweet this evening, Twitter announced:
“Official government accounts engaging in conversation about the origins of the virus and global public conversation about potential emergent treatments will be permitted, unless the content contains clear incitement to take a harmful physical action.”
As many know, following ZeroHedge’s permanent ban from the platform, it appears in recent months Twitter has taken it upon itself to become the supreme arbiter of all that is politically correct, noble and just (or at least is not frowned upon by the Chinese Communist Party) in this cruel world where readers are completely unable to make up their minds on their own without a blue bird telling them what they should or should not read, and what, in its eyes, is arbitrary fake news.
And now, following Chinese officials completely unsubstantiated claims that the virus emerged in the US, Twitter changes its policy?
But, it would seem – given our permanent ban, that telling people to ask someone what happened using public info is “clear incitement to take harmful physical action” but that making completely unsubstantiated claims about another global superpower that could quite easily escalate into social unrest, xenophobia, and inevitably war – is fine if it’s done by a government?
Tyler Durden
Mon, 03/23/2020 – 21:05