Despite “No Information”, Homeland Security Fearmongers That “Violent Extremists” Will Exploit Public’s Virus Fears 

Despite “No Information”, Homeland Security Fearmongers That “Violent Extremists” Will Exploit Public’s Virus Fears 

Alarmists at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are now suggesting, in a new memo, first seen by ABC News, that terrorists could soon attack critical infrastructure on US soil, plunging the country into deeper turmoil during the COVID-19 outbreak

Besides the threat of a pandemic that forced tens of millions of people to panic hoard toilet paper, non-perishable food, hand sanitizer, and virus masks at Costco stores and other big-box retailers, DHS officials are attempting to convince Americans that a terrorist attack is imminent (talk about unprecedented stress for a society that is heavily medicated): 

“Violent extremists probably are seeking to exploit public fears associated with the spread of COVID-19 to incite violence, intimidate targets, and promote their ideologies, and we assess these efforts will intensify in the coming months,” a DHS memo read. 

The memo was sent on Monday to police forces across the country by the DHS Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office. It continued to say that there is “no information indicating any active plotting is underway,” but noted intelligence reports that suggest foreign and or domestic groups could cripple the US health care system. 

ABC said the memo comes after FBI Director Chris Wray told agents in a video message that they must be extra vigilant for terrorists amid the pandemic unfolding across the country.  

“With all the worry and uncertainty out there, we want the public to know that there are still things they can count on: We’re here, and we’re going to stay here, to protect them, no matter what,” Wray said. “Because our criminal and national security adversaries sure aren’t going to take a day off — whether that’s for the coronavirus or, for that matter, anything else.”

DHS also warned about an ISIS newsletter that called for supporters to carry out attacks on overburdened health care systems in the Western world. 

ABC said the FBI’s New York field office had intel of neo-Nazis groups encouraging members who were infected by the virus, to spread it to Jewish people and law enforcement officers.

With a pandemic already unraveling society and crashing the economy into a depression for the second quarter, and now the imminent threat of a terrorist attack as per DHS’ new memo — it should now make sense why the government is rolling out National Guard troops across the country. Is Martial Law coming? 

Tyler Durden

Fri, 03/27/2020 – 13:25