WiFi Car Tech Marketed to “Bring Peace of Mind” While Health Experts Recommend Reducing WiFi Exposure

By B.N. Frank

Exposure to all sources of wireless radiation can disrupt the blood-brain barrier and cause it to leak (see 1, 2).  5G, Bluetooth, cell phone and WiFi are sources of wireless radiation (see 1, 2).  Health experts have been telling us that we should be reducing our exposure (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) – especially children’s (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) – FOR MANY YEARS ALREADY.  Car makers continue to install it inside vehicles anyway even though there is STILL no “safe” level that has been determined for kids or pregnant women.  Now they are advertising it as bringing us peace of mind during the pandemic.  Bwah.

From The Rock Father:

New Car Technologies Can Bring Peace in a Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has hit home for millions as it has evolved into serious business over the past few weeks in North America.

The virus known as COVID-19 has forced the world indoors, with individuals and families scrambling to adjust to what’s become our new normal. Federal and international guidelines broadcast over social media can read like a mother’s list of commands: “Wash your hands! Don’t touch your face! Stay indoors and work at home!” Businesses of all sizes are bracing for losses, with schools, houses of worship, and sports leagues closing down overnight. What has become an international crisis seems far beyond our control, unlike so much of our technologically-driven society.

Speaking of technology: cars have become the final frontier — the last thing standing between people and the outside world. With the uncertainty surrounding the virus and knowing that anyone is at risk of transmitting it, retreating to your car while you look for food or essential supplies allows you to practice social distancing and (if it’s clean enough) maintain a controlled zone that keeps you and others safe. Over the last decade, technological advancements in vehicles — including Bluetooth, streaming services, and Wi-Fi can help make your car feel like home.


With the virus reaching its most powerful form in North America, people can maintain their cars as a viable safe space for quarantining. Technological improvements and advances such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, streaming services, and cleanliness measures can make your method of transportation a safe haven. With these advancements, you can take care of your health and well-being along the way.

Read full article

In regard to Internet of Things (IoT) – it has a 74% FAILURE rate and security experts have been warning about its vulnerability to hacking FOR MANY YEARS ALREADY.  How’s that for bringing you peace of mind?

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WiFi Car Tech Marketed to “Bring Peace of Mind” While Health Experts Recommend Reducing WiFi Exposure