Trump Not Firing Fauci: White House

Trump Not Firing Fauci: White House

President Trump is not going to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci from his coronavirus task force after sharing a tweet with the hashtag #FireFauci on Sunday, according to the White House.

This media chatter is ridiculous — President Trump is not firing Dr. Fauci,” said spokesman Hogan Gidley in a statement, adding “Dr. Fauci has been and remains a trusted advisor to President Trump.”

Trump shhared a tweet from former GOP congressional candidate DeAnna Lorrainee criticizing Fauci’s Saturday interview with CNN in which he suggested that if Trump had listened to medical experts earlier he could have saved more lives, which included the #FireFauci hashtag.

“Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large,” the tweet continues.

To wit:

“The President’s tweet clearly exposed media attempts to maliciously push a falsehood about his China decision in an attempt to rewrite history,” Gidley told People, while lauding the “bold decisive action” of the Trump administration’s late-January decision to halt travel from China, which Trump has repeatedly noted drew scrutiny from the left.

“It was Democrats and the media who ignored Coronavirus choosing to focus on impeachment instead, and when they finally did comment on the virus it was to attack President Trump for taking the bold decisive action to save American lives by cutting off travel from China and from Europe,” Gidley added.


Tyler Durden

Mon, 04/13/2020 – 13:43