These Are The “Fake News” Sites That Told You ‘Distrusting China Over Coronavirus Was Dangerous’

These Are The “Fake News” Sites That Told You ‘Distrusting China Over Coronavirus Was Dangerous’

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Numerous virology experts are now on record as saying it cannot be dismissed, and multiple government and intelligence sources have confirmed that investigations are underway into the possibility that the coronavirus leaked from an unsafe Wuhan bio-lab and China lied about the true scale of the outbreak.

And so in light of that, here is a timely reminder of the scores of fake news outlets that for weeks and months dismissed both notions as a ‘baseless conspiracy theories’.

Remember, these sources (this is only a small selection of what is out there), to a varying degree in their dismissals, effectively bolstered Chinese state media and government insistences that questions over the safety of the lab were ‘dangerous’.

Tyler Durden

Thu, 04/16/2020 – 15:26