Biden’s Sexual Assault Accuser Files Formal Criminal Complaint

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Tara Reade filed a criminal complaint with the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC against the democratic presidential candidate.

“I filed it because I had been harassed so badly last April,” Reade, 56, said on Thursday. “I also wanted to make it clear that I would be willing to go under oath or cooperate with any law enforcement regarding it, because it did happen. Even if it was 26 years ago.”

Last year, Washington, DC revised the statute of limitations that, in part, encourage survivors to file reports, even if a significant amount of time has passed since the assault. This revision allows Reade to file charges against the former vice president Joe Biden for the alleged assault that took place in 1993.

Although many mainstream media outlets have still not covered these allegations, Reade has conducted many interviews concerning the details of her alleged sexual assault. Despite the lack of major coverage, many reports have outlined a pattern of inappropriate behavior demonstrated by Biden.

Additionally, there are questions concerning why Biden started donating large sums of money to a public relations firm that his own top campaign advisor Anita Dunn works for called SKDKnickerbocker. These donations to SKDK began after Reade approached their partners at Time’s Up, the main company that assisted the #MeToo movement.

As previously reported by National File, “since Reade came forward with her story to Time’s Up in January, Biden has paid a total of $806,000 to SKDK.”

According to Alyssa Milano, “I sent the #MeToo tweet two years ago, and I never thought it would be something that would destroy innocent men.” Milano is creditied with the start of the #MeToo movement.

“So we have to find this balance in the ‘believe women’ movement, and also giving men their due process and realizing that we are destroying lives if we don’t go through the right steps.”

Milano was widely criticized for her dismissal of Reade allegations as politically motivated.

After being attacked by prominent Democrats, Reade’s formal report against Biden is a victory for all survivors who fear they may never get their day to face their attackers.

“It’s very imperative that I think, for me, for my voice to be heard. I’ve been silenced and threatened before, in the past, and I feel free now, and after I hung up with that detective, I felt a lift, like okay, my voice was heard and law enforcement has this. I feel safer.”

National File will continue to report updates on the charges filed against Biden.

The post Biden’s Sexual Assault Accuser Files Formal Criminal Complaint appeared first on National File. Visit for more hard-hitting investigative journalism.